• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

happy new tear every body


Registered Users (C)
hi every body , i would ask a question , i get the immigration visa and i inter the united state , and then i leave it befor i get the grean card , my uncle is in the u.s. and he will get the grean card and send it to me when arrive , my question is , how long time is allowed to me to re-enter the united state ? plz answer me becaus it is too important to me to know ,
thanx ,,,

congratulations first of all :D
second i think before 1 year
thats means every 365 days you have to inter states once at least
enjoy and happy new year
thanks of interest , did any body sure about re-entrance , and from any time the 365 day begen , from my visa issue or from my entrance day ?!!