Happy July 4th

Thank You, you too!!! I love it. This is my first Independence Day as an American. On a day like this I cannot help but wonder what George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson would say if they could comment on this beautiful Nation's current affairs. Oh if only we could bring them back for one day. HAPPY 4TH EVERYONE! Fly your colors and fly' em high!:D
Hey Happy 4th to all of you too.

PD Dec 4, 2006
FP Dec 28, 2006
2nd FP -- ????

Enjoying my delay in name check.
Hey, I found out today that both Thomas Jefferson and John Addams died on July 4, 1826- the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. That was a strange coincidence...
Hey, I found out today that both Thomas Jefferson and John Addams died on July 4, 1826- the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. That was a strange coincidence...

We already knew that. It was really amazing and strange.

Thomas Jefferson was a governor of Va. He was a minister to France. Jefferson served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington after returning from France.

Adams was a second US president. He was also the first President to reside in the newly-built White House in Washington, D.C., which was completed in 1800.

Both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826. John Adams died in his home. Thomas Jefferson died a few hours before the death of John Adams, his compatriot in their quest for independence, then great political rival, and later friend and correspondent. Adams is often rumored to have referenced Jefferson in his last words, unaware of his passing.

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Watch John Adams on HBO. 5 Stars!!! I am not affiliated in any way with HBO, just saying it was AMAZING to watch especially in HD and it is the best history lesson. Especially those prepping for the interview, it explains a lot of stuff they want you to know in the 100 questions. Or you can read the book which won the Pulitzer price. Either way fantastic

Agreed on John Adams (HBO) it was excellent - one of the best things yet on American TV ;-)

"1776"- the movie is on TCM tonight by the way - I don't think it's anything like the HBO series - said to be a musical with some comedy. Worth having a look though!
I hope everyone had and still has a nice 4th of July. We don't have HBO, so I was not able to watch that special about John Adams.
But the History Channel carried a 10 part series about the Revolution which was pretty good, at least the bits and pieces I saw.
Good night everyone:)