Had Successful Stamping today


Registered Users (C)
My stamping is over today. It took less than 15mins. to complete the stamping process.

Thanks! for all your Help in replying to all my queries in the past.

Good luck to all those in the Waitlist.

How much time it takes after replying to your RFE, can you give response date and when updated at online ?

Congrats. (I had a successful stamping today too.)

I believe you produced only 3 payslips instead of 6 payslips during RFE reply . Did you give any letter explaning the reason for producing less no. of payslips ? This info. will help all others who are always worried about producing required no. of payslips.

Thanks! for all your wishes.

cmacti: I've mailed the RFE reply on 07/04/2003 and online message said they have received the reply on 07/07/2003 and to my surprise on 07/11/2003 the online message changed to APPROVED... That was a great! news for me.

jan29feb12: Congrats! to you too. You are right I've submitted only 3 paystubs from this year instead of 6. In the RFE I was asked to submit last 6 pay stubs. From Jan-03 I'm on bench and hence I didnot had any Paystubs. After I received the RFE, my employer has run 3 payroll for me, alltogether for the period Apr-03 to Jun-03. I've submitted 3 paystubs from current year (Apr-03 to Jun-03) and 3 pay stubs from last year (Oct-02 to Dec-02). Along with my Paystubs I've submitted AC21, Affidavit of Birth Certificate and all the copies of passport. Atlast I got stamped sucessfully on 07/24/2003.
