H4 visa stamping question


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I plan to get married in March and my wife-to-be has her H4 visa interview in Chennai on March 15. Her travel agent is telling her that she needs to have a letter from MY employer explaining HER purpose of travel. Is this true?

I thought that the only letter required was one that establishes my relationship with my employer and my purpose of travel.

I already have my H-1 stamped. Could you please advise me on this?



I plan to get married in March and my wife-to-be has her H4 visa interview in Chennai on March 15. Her travel agent is telling her that she needs to have a letter from MY employer explaining HER purpose of travel. Is this true?
-- I dont think your employer need to provide the letter for your wife, only letter you need from employer is your Employment continuation letter.

I thought that the only letter required was one that establishes my relationship with my employer and my purpose of travel.
-- Thats right
I already have my H-1 stamped. Could you please advise me on this?
-- No need to worry, just carry the documents which are mentioned in chennai US conuslate website.Thanks,

Hello Soon-To-Be-Tied-In-Knots,


I believe you are getting married in India and planning to fly there. If that being the case, you could possibly take a letter from your employer (either in your employment verification letter or a separate letter) stating that you are planning to visit India to get married with XXXX and planning to travel back to US along with xxxx on so & so date. So please issue XXXX a dependent visa (h4).

This is what I got frm my employer several years back and this letter was of great use to me.

Apart frm carrying all necessary documents incl. marriage certificates, if your employer doesn't hv issues in providing this kind of letter, it doesn't hurt to carry one.

Take care
whatsinaname0 said:

I plan to get married in March and my wife-to-be has her H4 visa interview in Chennai on March 15.

Her travel agent is telling her that she needs to have a letter from MY employer explaining HER purpose of travel. Is this true?

------------------- not true. why the travel agent is asking HER purpose of travel??? Travel agent has nothing to do why she wants to travel why she need to inform the travel agent?

I thought that the only letter required was one that establishes my relationship with my employer and my purpose of travel.

I already have my H-1 stamped. Could you please advise me on this?
