H4 Visa at chennai US Consulate, Need Advice!


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My W-2's for 2002 & 2003 are very very less than whats mentioned
in LCA during those years i changed employers too.
Also the W-2 for 2004 is 56K i.e., less than 62K mentioned in LCA.
This Year 2005 iam making more than whats mentioned in LCA.
Im planning to get married in a few weeks,
for my would be wife's H-4 Visa, she would need to go to Chennai
US Consulate.
1. I am wondering will this bad w-2s would affect H-4 visa stamping?
2. What things i can do to avoid denial of H4 Visa stamping at the
US Consulate?

I 'll appreciate any input/thoughts/suggestions from any of you who
knows anything about H-4 stamping.
Thank you very much in advance.
Difference in W2 should not be more. If the difference is not more you can explain that you are in vacation. Take a bank statement with cosiderable balance.
Hi getIt,
Thanks for responding,
As mentioned above, the difference in W-2 and LCA for year 2004 is $6000 less.
but for the years 2002 & 2003 , my W-2s were less than 50% what's
mentioned in the LCA.
Just wondering what to do? if they ask for W-2s for all the years.
The Question is, do they ask for every one all W-2s?
Please share what your thoughts are...
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Yes they will ask for W2's for all year in Chennai Consulate. But check the consulate web site where your wife is going to apply. To be on safe side be prepared to answer 50% difference in W2 or should be able to show that how you will support your dependent in future and that she will not become a public charge.