H4 to H1 - Urgent- please help!!!!


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Hi all,
My wife was with me on H4 for 1yr. H4 visa expired Jan 2004. Approval date on I797 is May 2004. She then got a job here and got a H1 approval notice till Aug 2006.
Went to India for visit and US Mumbai consulate - for visa stamping of H1. Was denied stamping!!
Visa officer says - he is kept the stamping pending. Wants to see a whole truckload of docs from employer to ensure that it is a stable employer and has enough money to pay her.
Here is how the interview went

I had to fill in a form where it asked me number of employees in my present employer's company. The petition said 18 so I wrote 18. I think that was the root cause of the problem. Should I have mentioned a larger figure like 100 or so ? but i thoughht the petition says 100 so what if they crosscheck..? so I wrote 18.

Here is what the interview went like -

Q. How long have you been in the US ?
A- 3 years

Q. How long have you been with company?
A. 5 months. ( Do I say joining date as May 2003 onwards or Aug 2003 as stated on I-797 ?)

QWhere is company based ?
A - In NJ with main office in MA.

Q. what is your skill set ?
A - Microsoft technologies ASP, Asp.net..blah blah blah

Q. How much is your pay ?
A - 60 K per year.

Q. How much do other 18 employees make ?
A - Not sure could be in the range of 55K to 100K depending on experience and location. A place like California the pay could be more. ( wrong thing to say..but..was too late)

Q. Do they have people working in CA ?
A - Mostly employees are working in the east coast, depends on where client is and demands employees work on site.

Q. How often do you have to go to NJ ?
A - (I could not answer this question well) I said depends as needed. Usually have to work onsite wherever the client is.

Q. Do you get paid hourly that is as much as you work or do you get paid bi-weekly - fixed 60K per year no matter how much you work ?
A - I get paid fixed 60K per year. I get paid bi-weekly.

She said finally, your english is excellent but I want to make sure the company is not like a shop. I am not satisfied with what you have told me about the company. I want to make sure that they do not pay anyone less like 40K
I had submitted my all my payslips as well. but that wasn't sufficient i think..I doubt if she even looked at the payslips.

Handed a doc stating 221g -
This is what it says under section 221 (g)

Please supply information about your prospective employer in the U.S including W2 forms of ALL (18) employees

The last three years tax returns

Major project contracts

Bank statements

Quaterly employee tax filings if the company is less than 3 years old (I suggesst send this even if your company is more than 3 years old)

Other - List of ALL H1 employees, their nationality, their date of entry and exit from the US.

Photos of company inside and out.

Wife is now stuck in India and needs to get back here and join me! and company is helping come up with the docs - but it is difficult to come up with all those docs.

She still has her H4 approval - can she get the H4 visa stamp now instead of the H1?

Please help.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
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The same thing happened with some one in 2 months back in Bombay consulate, they asked the similar he provided all the requested documents when he went for interview it was H4 to H1 case but they give him the same kind of list to provide more documents and 221g. Employer in US contacted / involved NYC lawyer Cyrus Mehta www.cyrusmehta.com lawyer wrote a letter to consulate and the person got the reply from consulate in his home town in Gujarat ‘please come to consulate with passport and demand draft of rupees XXXx ‘ he got the H1b visa stamp. He waited in India for more about 2 months.
This disease has spread from Chennai consulate to Mumbai and the reason :desi companies who made many H1b holders to stand or sit on BENCH, or Table or under BENCH all those who were on BENCH should send compaintes to DOL against these pimps and should recover the wages. it is simple just one need to fill up the form from DOL site
H4 - 221g

Thanx ginnu - for the post - but lashing out does not help - I have been doing this for the last 3 days - and it does not help me recover from this position. I really need to know how to get this worked out so my wife can be back here.

The same experience happened to me in 2000 from Calcutta consulate. My H1 visa was originally refused under 221g in March, but after I submit all the required documents from my US employer they approved in May. I suggest you to provide these documents to consulate and get the approval.

Good Luck.

Re: artusa

Originally posted by sselva69
The same experience happened to me in 2000 from Calcutta consulate. My H1 visa was originally refused under 221g in March, but after I submit all the required documents from my US employer they approved in May. I suggest you to provide these documents to consulate and get the approval.

Good Luck.


--- Thanx for the info - but I would like to know if you can share some more info - Her current employer is a desi consulting company. Do you know what exactly they are looking for? did you have some seriously solid docs when you went back? Do you remember what happened in the interview and what reason they sent you back for the first time? Can u please share your experience with me? I really need to make sure my wife gets her visa the second time. My email is atulbhoite@hotmail.com if you want to send me a private email.
Thanx in advance.
ginnu - what should the letter say?

Originally posted by ginnu
Involve a good lawyer


Can you please let me know what the letter from the lawyer should say?
Thanx for the info - but I would like to know if you can share some more info - Her current employer is a desi consulting company. Do you know what exactly they are looking for?
----- They are looking for if the Desi comany BENCHED anybody in past or paid less salary than the LCA or somebody has complained to DOL that they have benched Mr. X and never paid or paid less if any case against company for less wages than LCA is found, employer will be found to have violated H1 law, the company can be fined, investigated and barred from filing any H1b in future, recently NJ based 8 companies have been fined more than 40K each and all the wages for the employees have been recovered by DOL. Last week Princeton NJ based Desi Company has been fined and past wages for 12 employees have been recovered by DOL (total 150000) and that company cannot file any H1 for 10 years. If any violation by company is found it is reported to DOS, USCIS and consulates it goes to USCIS computer database

did you have some seriously solid docs when you went back? Do you remember what happened in the interview and what reason they sent you back for the first time? Can u please share your experience with me? I really need to make sure my wife gets her visa the second time. My email is atulbhoite@hotmail.com if you want to send me a private email.
--------- For you second question “what should the letter say” the lawyer knows what to write, pay him, show him the letter from consulate and discuss the situation with him dont hide if company benched in past or paid less than LCA
thx ginnu

Wow that was great info! Thanx a lot.
I had talked to the lawyer of the company - requested to provide a letter saying please provide visa to employee because company is losing business and employee needs to report by so and so date. The lawyer says he does not want to get involved because - it seems that will make it look like we are pressurising the visa officer which may not be needed at this time. Lawyer says - just give the required docs to the visa officer and try to convince him. This is company lawyer talking. Should I retain separate law firm services to be able to provide this information?

I applied first time for H1 in March 2000. Initially Consulate asked to submit the below documents against each section:

214(b) - Applicant has a permanent residence abroad which s/he has no intension of abandoning.

1. Federal IT returns of perspective US employer for the last 3 years
2. Quarterly employee tax filings if the company is less than two years old.
3. W2s for other employees.
4. Certified Bank statements of employer
5. Major Project contracts of employer.

The consulate letter did not ask any thing else.

I have submitted a detailed letter with my house registration document for 214(b) and my US employer submitted a detailed letter alognwith all documents for 221(g) except item 2, which was not applicable. I did not submit any Company inside/outside pictures. Neither any letter from lawyer. In fact my employer had only 5 employees then. When I reapplied in May 2000, I got the visa stamped.

But things have been changed a lot, especially with these desi companies. That is the reason off late consulates are very much cautious.

Good Luck!