h4 to h1; is there a higher salasry limit


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have filed for a new h1. ( i am currently on h4).

I have a masters in engg. and 5+ years of IT experience.

The company says, if we keep XXX amount as salary, and if it is normal to the person with similar skills, then there is a chance of my h1 not getting approved. so they wants me to reduce the asking salary.

Please tell me, if I am taken for a ride or is there any such thing existing.

There is no limit per se. But maybe the company is trying to match the salary with an approved LCA they have. For all H1 you need an approved LCA. The salary should be justified by
1. The qualification requirements for the job
2. Your skillset

Your experience and qualification cannot be the sole determining factor for salary.
Thanks Jaxen,
I know the attorney has filed for a new LCA.
Looks like they were trying to negotiate in a bad way!!