H4-Study - Domestic or International student


New Member

I am on H 4 visa and I intend to study. My husband who is on H1 will complete his 1 year stay in California. If I apply to California university Will I be considered as a domestic student or International student. (Fees being lower for domestic student).

If you have proof of CA tax filed for atleast a year, all the CSU consider you as locals and you pay only CA resident fees. If you go private university or courses only disignated for "International Programme" you will consider only international student unless you have A#.

Wise thing is , change to F1, if you want to work after study otherwise you will consume all of your H status in H4 (Max 6 years) and you will not able to get your H1 after study. The stake is high compare to your fee difference

shraddha_patel said:

I am on H 4 visa and I intend to study. My husband who is on H1 will complete his 1 year stay in California. If I apply to California university Will I be considered as a domestic student or International student. (Fees being lower for domestic student).
