H4 for dependent Kids expiring


Registered Users (C)
I have a friend who recently came to US on H1B. One of his kids is about 15 now and I believe dependent kids cannot be on H4 status after reaching 18 years of age - right? What are the typical options for such kids who want to stay back in US with their parents continuing education?

Do kids typically go to F1 in such a scenario? Is F1 a possibility for high school kids too? Or does it have to be for Undergrad studetns only attending universities (as opposed to Community college or working toward a Associate degree)? What other important things are to be noted for F1?

H4 Dependant Children.

CHILDREN CAN REMAIN ON H4 UNTIL THEY ARE 21 YEARS OF AGE. Your friend child still has 3 years remaining.They casn apply and extend his H4 after the first 3 years are completed.
Thanks Tola! That is a good news. I am sure my friend's daughter would get to college by thereby becoming eligible to pursue education on F1.
Do you have any link or official publication that outlines H1B/H4 related information on ageing out conditions?

My friend would be starting his Employment based Green Card process soon. His family members will be part of the beneficiaries too. But I believe after kids get to a certain age they will not be considered for such GC application even though it is already started. What would that age be? Again 21?
