H1B transfer from CompanyA to ComplanyB


New Member

Im in India.I got my H1B on Nov-2006 from CompanyA.Since then i couldnt travel to US from CompanyA.Now i got a new offer to join in companyB.

a)Can i able to travel to US from CompanyB using H1B visa which i got from CompanyA.Will it be a legal fly.In immigration, will they enquire anything about my transfer.What do i need to answer to them.

Thanks in advance.

Better you consult with your Company B lawyer who did your transfer. In my opinion I would not travel with Company A visa. You can still make an emergency Visa appointment stating that you work in US and get Visa stamped for Company B.

The first question at port of entry they (Immigration Officers) will be asking is are you working for Company A. Without Company B's Visa stamped you cannot say NO. Then they will deport you immediately. If you say YES, then they'll try to validate your Visa with their system, if they get to know your Visa is not with Company A any more you are in trouble. Also after you are here if this is your first time in US you need to get SSN and all that causes more trouble. As I suggested get new Visa Stamping with Company B Visa.

All the best.


Disclaimer: I am not an attorney/lawyer. Always consult with your immigration lawyer for any immigration issues. My views and replies cannot be an official advice. Decide yourself and act as appropriate to your self conscience.