H1B to F1


New Member
I am switching from H1B to F1. My H1B expires by end of June and my F1 is valid from Aug 16 2006. I do not plan to leave the country. Should I apply for an H4 ( my husband is here on h1B)for the 6 weeks between H1B and F1?
I checked with my International Students affairs office- they said that the time will be covered by the F1 application processing. But that means that I am technically out of status for 6 weeks. Please advise.
Re: H1 to F1


While any application is being processed, from what I know, you are not considered out of status. But in case your change of application is rejected, then you would have to leave the country and re-apply at your home country's consulate.

I had changed visa from H4 to F1 without leaving the US and while the application was being processed I was absolutely 'legal' !