H1B stamping in New Delhi


New Member
(H1B visa stamping worries(applied for GC when I was US last time for 6 years)


I lived in US for 6 years. During these 6 years two of my employers filed for my GC/labor. In the first case due to a layoff I could not continue my GC and in the second case my 6 years time ran out and thus I had to come back to India.

Now I am planning to go back again on an H1B visa. On the form Ds-156 there is a question asking if my immigration was ever filed and if yes then by whom. Now, I answer yes to this, would that jeopardise my visa? as they may not like the fact that I applied for GC and tried for immigration last time and they have a good reason to think that I might go for GC this time also.

Any reply/information on this would be greatly appreciated.

You employer filed a labor certification on your behalf, NOT an immigrant petition. An immigrant petition on your behalf will not be filed until the labor certification application is approved.

Again... this is what i heard from my attorney. I haven't actually gone for the visa stamping yet.