H1B Stamping in Dhaka, Bangladesh


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Looking for anybody who has experience of H1B stamping in Dhaka USA consulate. Appreciate response with experience. Thanks a lot.

Could you provide me your email address? I am also planning to go to Dhaka for a first time stamping.

Would appreciate your response.

Can you share your experience about H1B stamping in Dhaka? How long does it take? Also, do you know any bangladeshi nationals who got their H1B revalidated from St. Louis (DOS) lately?
Thanks for the quick reply. Did those people get their visa revalidation done in last 8/9 months ( I mean after the Special registration started) ? I know people who are from SR coutries and sent their passports to St. Louis, got denied recently. They were asked for a face-to-face interview at US Consulate abroad.
BTW, if you are palnning to go to Dhaka, make sure you can take atleast couple of months off from your work. That's because they are taking too long to get security clearence.

Thanks for your reply. I know people who has got their revalidation in last 8-9 months. I guess there are some instances where SR citizens were asked to apply for visa from outside but there are cases where visa was revalidated too. There is no harm in trying. My prob is I dont have H1-B visa on my passport. i am planning to go home in Feb and thinking to apply for the visa. i guess I will try to talk to consulate first asking how long it may take. If it takes too long then I will opt to come back using AP. As i am working with my original company, i dont have to use my EAD after I come back and I will still be in H1B status.

by the way, I have heard that now a days people are getting H1B on the same day...not sure how far that is true. do you know any person who has applied for visa in last couple of months. thanks a lot for your reply.
One of our (Bangladeshi) employee couldn't revalidate his visa from St. Louis. So he went back to Dhaka. We are not sure if he got denied his stamping at Dhaka or it's taking too long for him to get security clearence. Anyway he couldn't get back to work within couple of months and finally he was terminated from work.
That's what our HR cautioned us for stamping H1b from outside USA.
Maybe when you get back, you can share some more information about stamping situation at Dhaka.

First of all how do you know my name is "Rahat".

Secondly thanks for your word of caution. As I said, I will apply for H1B only if I know that it is not going to take that long. If it does then I will drop the plan and come back using my AP. Sorry to know about your friend. Almost the same thing happend with my friend but somehow he managed to keep his job for four months. He was very lucky I guess.