H1B Stamp


New Member
I entered the USA on B1/B2 visa on September 18, 2001 and applied for my H1B visa in February 2002 and got it approved on April 22, 2002. I never travelled outside of the USA since then.

I like to get some info whether it's possible to get H1 stamp in Canada and if it's refused in Canada, will I be allowed to re-enter the USA. I do have multiple B1/B2 visa valid until August 2005. Do I loose my H1B status if I re-enter on my B1/B2 visa.

like to hear experience of people for H1B stamping in Bombay.

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H1 B Stamp - First Time

Hey Guys,

Can people still get their passports stamped with H1 Visa in Canada and Mexico?

My brother is on H1 and does not want to go back to Pakistan to get his passport stamped (as we all know that the probability of getting your PP stamped their is zero to none).

God forbid he gets rejected in Canada / Mexico, how can he return to the US?

Thanks in advance

Any response would be greatly appreciated
I am from pakistan too...and not to disappoint you or your brother, and depending on your brothers status in canada, he does not have any chooce than to go to pakistan for stamping, unless he has PR in canada. He is not not even eligible to apply for visa while being a visitor in canada coz they gonna telll him the same. I am going to toronto in january to get my visa stamped...also in pakistan i dont think its difficult to get visa ...it jsut takes more time but u can get visa as loing as u have the right paper work