H1B Stamp in India


Registered Users (C)
Dear All,
I am planning to visit India next week. I am working for company B, while my H1B visa stamp is from my old company A. Just today, my company lawyer says that I need to get a new visa for my new company and also there is a 20 day waiting period for the new visa to be issued. No I am so confused that I may have to cancel my trip since I will just have 2 weeks for my vacation. Any help will be much appreciated.
Getting H1 stamped in India


I am surprised that your lawyer mentioned 20 odd days. As per the website for TTS, (the courier service that will ship the documents to the American consulate) it takes 8 working days.
20 days review period

This 20 day review period is the time taken by the consulate to review your visa application. This seems one of post September 11 stipulation.
No Title

Hmmm. John!
Could you indicate the source for your affirmation regarding this NEW stipulation?!

My personal quess is that there\'s no such a long wait... but a confusion regarding the NEW "20 day security clearance checking" for the nationals of the "black list"=those 26 Middle Eastern countries listed by DOS!

Correct me if I\'m wrong!

H1 stamp in India (6 working days!)

I just got an email from a friend who has got got H1 multiple stamped on his passport. It took him 6 "working days" only.

Hope this helps.

I have a question, can I apply to any consulate in India or only to the one that is nearest to the address on my passport?

You may not need a new stamp

If company A\'s H1 visa stamp is unexpired and you have a valid I-797 for company B then you can re-enter USA without a company B visa stamp. Check paragraph 3 in this link.


Carry some evidence for re-entry to show lawful legal employment like employment letter, I-797, recent pay stubs, etc. At POE INS will want to know your employer\'s name. You would say \'B\' and be prepared to submit evidence.

You have the option of getting a new visa stamp at a Consulate or at St.Louis after you return.

Have a good vacation.