H1B renewal during 485


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Hello gurus.
I am currently working on a H1B which is expiring in June. I have an EAD which is valid till end of this year. My dilemma is whether to renew my H1 or use my EAD. From my companys stand point they dont care whether I work on H1 or EAD, but at the same time they will not pay for the renewal too. My attorney says it costs about $1500 + application fees to file for my renewal.

What do you guys advise ? Do you think it is worth paying $1500 and getting a renewal or start using EAD. I have no plans to change companies till my 485 is approved but you never know what is going to happen. So I want to keep all my options open. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

Also did any one out here file there own H1B renewal without going to an attorney ? Any risks in doing so..

If you are planning to get married and bring your spouse in then you may want to renew your h1. Otherwise, I don't see any other good reasons to stay in h1.