H1 visa stamping - Toronto, Canada


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My grace period for the current J1 expires June 13, 2007. My first H1B (Academic) is under way and I should receive everything during June 20-25.

Can I go to Canada and stay there on visitor's visa.....and get my H1B stamp; while I will be completely out of status in the USA. (shouldn't matter right ?)

I want to avoid the whole hassle (and the trip) of going to India and getting it stamped there.

Please give me some advice.....Much appreciated.
As long as you have a Canadian visa, yes you enter Canada and stay there for 6 months (assuming you get a six month entry). I assume you intend to depart fro the US before June 13th and someone will forward you documents/approval for you H-1B? You are free to apply for an H-1b visa at a US consualte in Canada. Will you get it for sure? That no one can guarantee.
Good luck!!!