H1-transfer - gaps between quitting date and start date with new employer


Registered Users (C)
I am an H1- holder wanting to change jobs and i give a notice of 2 weeks to my current emloyer.
The H1 transfer with my new employer is scheduled to start in 2 weeks.
However, it might happen that my current employer will ask me to leave earlier.
Meaning there might be a a week or even 2 weeks in which i will be without a job and without an H1 since i won't be employed by the old employer anymore and the new employment will only start in 2 weeks.

Is that allowed by law ?

Can i get into be in trouble in such a case ?

For example, can it potentially harm my future green card application?

Strictly speaking, H1 holder must be paid all the time, but there are a LOT of folks who got laid off and had no job for a while got H1 transfer.
If out of job is short, you won't face problems.