H1 Revalidation


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,
I have Sent my PP to SL on June 27th. I Understand that it takes about 3 months to get the PP back. But i am not sure what's the Procedure. Is it true that in all the cases the PP goes to DC from SL? Is there any way where we can check the status of the revalidation of Visa? Guys i have Travel coming up on 11th Oct. I am getting nervous about this whole Visa stuff. Can any one of you educate me on this?

Hi Kumsi,
You can check the june revalidation tracking thread to find out the current status. The Visa office in DC (yes, all apps go to DC from SL) will not give any status report, but you can find out when it reached DC and whether the visa it has already been approved. You can find out the number in the thread. I would think that you will get the visa before the 11th (will be close though), but Ms. Isabel (the hurricane) might have made it 'otuch and go'.

Hi Subbu,
Thanks for the quick response. Where do you think i should call and find out if my PP has moved from SL to DC and if the visa has been issued already or not? I have a number 202-663 - 1225 with option 1 & 0. Would i be talking to someone at DC by calling this number?

I was finally able to get hold of them today on phone. The lady said it was printed today and it would take minimum of 2 weeks to reach me beacuse they are very much backedup in mailing the PP's due various reasons. Just keeping my fingers crosses and hoping that it will reach me before 11th of Oct.

Hey Kumsi,
That is still good news. It shouldn't take more than 2 weeks in my opinion (2 weeks is pretty bad too tohugh, what are they
doing over there?) Do you know by any chance when your pp
was received at DC. My PP was received at DC on 25th of July
and my tickets are already booked for the 16th (so you're
better off:))

Hi Subbu,
Well I am really not sure what's going on there and when my PP reached DC. But she was saying they are pretty much backed up in mailing the PP's. I am really surprised to know that your PP reached DC on July 25th and you haven't received your PP yet? Well that really makes me get worried now. I was hoping that I might be getting anytime in next one week and i was planning to goahead and book my tickets for 11th. What do you suggest me? Do you think i should wait untill i get my passport in hand or should i goahead and book my ticket for 11th?

Don't worry. My PP reached DC on July 25 from SL ( Isent on the 11th) , but it has not been stamped yet. In your case (I believe) that the visa had been stamped(printed) and it just needs to be mailed out. So don't worry ..reaching DC is different than stamping. You should get it in time for yout trip....

Hi Subbu,
Did you talk the people in DC to find out what exactly is happening with your PP?

Yups, I called earlier and I only got to know when it reached DC. It was too early for mine to get stamped, I'll check again in a week. Let us know when you get your PP.

I just called DC again. The lady said that my PP is on its way. Hopefully i should receive it today. Will keep you posted.

I did use FedEx. But right now iam at work and i don't have the details of the FedEx. And hopefully it will reach by the time i go home in the evening
Its almost there. Its in the next Town from where i stay. Should be getting it in couple of hours.

Just received my passport. Thank you very much for all your help. And Wish you good luck with to all you guys who are waiting for your Passports.

Pardon me for the Typo.
I am so very excited.
I meant wish you all good luck with your passport's.

Hey Kumsi,
That is awesome news!!! Congrats! Can you do me one last favor and tell me when the visa was issued (it will have a date on the PP). Have fun and enjoy your trip.

Thanks so much.
Sure i will tell you once i go home n check the PP. I have't looked the Visa with my own eyes yet. My Firned Picked it up for me this morning and iam work. I will send you a message as soon as i reach home.
