H1 Reset question


Registered Users (C)
Hello Folks,
I have a question I'd like to run by you. I was in USA on H1-B but have been out of USA for about 7 months now. IF I don't return to USA for another 5 months, will my H1-B status be reset?
Also, can i go to USA on a B2 visa or will this not count and I'll have to stay out anothe ryear for the H1- Reset?
guptamik said:
Hello Folks,
I have a question I'd like to run by you. I was in USA on H1-B but have been out of USA for about 7 months now. IF I don't return to USA for another 5 months, will my H1-B status be reset? Yes , provided you have brand new H1 visa approved on your behalf and get visa stamped in your pp fresh.

Also, can i go to USA on a B2 visa or will this not count and I'll have to stay out anothe ryear for the H1- Reset? YOUR physical presence in any of the visa nullyfy your 365 day physical out of US status.Thanks