H1-B may expire before i get AOS


Registered Users (C)
My h1-b visa may expire before my AOS is approved. I married a USC in April and re-entered the US in April under my H1-B (We were married overseas). I have filed all of my AOS paperwork before the H1-B will expire, however if it does expire, (1) Will i be able to continue to work with my current employer? (2) Would there be a penalty for me by remaining in the US till AOS is determined. (3) Is there a penalty if I continue to work with my current employer after the H1-B ends?
RareAir said:
My h1-b visa may expire before my AOS is approved. I married a USC in April and re-entered the US in April under my H1-B (We were married overseas). I have filed all of my AOS paperwork before the H1-B will expire, however if it does expire, (1) Will i be able to continue to work with my current employer? (2) Would there be a penalty for me by remaining in the US till AOS is determined. (3) Is there a penalty if I continue to work with my current employer after the H1-B ends?

You can get EAD to work while your AOS is pending. It takes 3 months max. to get it and if you don't get it in 3 months you can got to your DO and get a intrim EAD.
What happens if my H1-B does expire and i have not recieved an EAD yet, and i havent had enough time to get an interim EAD?