H1-B Extension??? Help


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This query is for my friend.

His H1-B is expiring July 7th 2003(completes 6 years). He filed LC and got acknowledged on July 2nd 2002. So he completes 1 year of filing labor this July 2nd 2003. Is it possible to file his H1-B extension before July 2nd or does he have to wait for the 1 year of completion of his LC acknowledgment date.

Has any one come across similar situation. Please help.

Thanks for the reply

Thanks sreddy227. Do you know any one who has done it?? Because his lawyer insist to file after a year of filing LC.
I am sorry for the mis-information, for some reason I was thinking that his labor application is a year old. His lawyer is correct, one is eligible to apply for a 7th year extension only if his labor application is an year old, in your friends case as you had mentioned earlier, it will not be an year old until Jul-02-2003. He would have five days to apply. I am not sure how long it takes to get a receipt from INS for a H1-B extension. As long as you have that even if it is pending, as you might already know, you still are legal. try to take the premium processing route. Once again I am sorry for mis-leading you the first time.
