H Visa stamping query


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My current H visa stamp with company A ends in October 31, 2007.

My current i797 with company B approval is there till 2009. [I had changed companies last year]

I am planning to go to India next month, can I get stamped again, or does the visa need to be expired??

I came across a 90 day rule saying, if u have more than 90 days remaining in ur visa..i cannot go for stamping. When I go for stamping i will have more than 90 days remaining in my visa.

[i need the stamping for other purposes..i do international travel]

You really do not need to renew your visa until it is expired. Your current visa will let you re-enter with your new I-797. However if you want to get a new visa, I am not too sure how long bofore its expiry can you re-apply.