H-4 working on EAD


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I am currently on H-1B and my husband on H-4. I obtained EAD while applying concurrently for I140/I485. I am maitaining my H-1 status and not using EAD. However my husband will start working on EAD. Does that mean that he will no longer be maintaining his H-4 status and will be out of status once I140/I485 are denied (which is the case with H-1B)? Does that also mean that he cannot travel without AP?

But if your husband left the country on AP, he can re-enter on valid H-4 status again as long as the H-4 visa is current without using the AP.
Do you mean even if EAD has been used? My understanding is that once you used EAD your H4 is no longer valid. Please confirm thanks.

Originally posted by xcom
But if your husband left the country on AP, he can re-enter on valid H-4 status again as long as the H-4 visa is current without using the AP.
EAD and H1B

Pl pardon me I have question as it like you. Can your husband use EAD without you being used your EAD? I mean you both have received the EAD card. You remain with your sponsor company and remain on H1B.Your husband start utilizing EAD so he looses the H4 status.

One of my friends was telling your husband couldn’t use EAD until you also transfer your status on EAD first from H1B. This is because you are primary on application.

Is this true? Or nothing likes that.
Yes, that's true! You can again get the H-4 status just by going out of the country and re-entering on valid H-4 if you used EAD for work.

Whether principal (H-1) uses EAD or H-4 holder, there is NO impact on the other partner because the AOS filed for both are separate.