H-1B renewal denied - advice please


Registered Users (C)
My girlfriend who works for a major medical company has just has her h-1B visa renewal application denied because her salary was too low for her job description. The original h-1B is due to expire in May and I don't wnat to lose her :-( Fortunately her boss is willing to help, but unfortunately the company won't double her salary!

Her title is Business Analyst and it is her first job out of school, but based on the job description which her company submitted, the EDD (State Labor body in CA) is expecting her to be on a Level II wage of $100K+ rather than the level I wage of around $50K. Would resubmitting the application with a much "dumbed-down" job description help or is there a better approach?

thanks in advance to everyone

p.s. and I thought my immigration troubles were over 3 years ago when I got my green card!