Guys, Should I contact the senator?


Registered Users (C)
My RD is 9/10/01. FP was received by INS on 01/18/02. My doctor messed up the medical forms so I had to get it done again. Reply to medical RFE was received by INS on 18/12/02. Since then no news. I have called 'em up a couple of times but I never got a proper answer as to how long it would take. Now looking at some posts I gather that I'll have to redo my FPs as it's been almost 15 months now. Company is also in trouble these days and not sure how long it'll last.

So is it a good idea to contact senator. I am in Mass.

Thanks a lot!
The reason I am asking this is coz almost all the people who have contacted their senators had not heard anything from INS. In my case I finally did get an RFE. But it's been 4 months even after that. Is it OK to contact senators even if you did get an RFE.

Thanks again
here is my take on it.. with a disclaimer... It is just my opinion.

If you have a pressing need for GC and for example want to change job real bad or the situation is hurting very badly, I would try one and all options availbale. If it calls for getting help from senator, so be it.

It will take investment of your time and energy to do all that and will be a significant time, most of things could be done on the phone though.

I do see it has been a significant time almost 540 days right from RD.... I think you have a good case.

So it is you who have to asses your situation and decide.

Good luck. Again It is just my 2 cents.
Anybody else would like to help/advice.... I urge everybody to contribute so that this person gets a good picture and information to make a decision.