Guys, Please let meknow what u think

gerda bob

Registered Users (C)
Hi guys

my case wac-01-093-5xxxx

RD 2/1/01, PD: always current, FP4/25/01

I have seen so many approvals to people who have RD later thsn mine and I just want to ask you if you think that I need to be concerned because my case is taking so long to be approved.
Please let me lnow waht you think about this

Thanks in advance and take care
No Title

why dont u call IIO and talk? they will tell u what stage u are in ..i mean has ur fp been received after background check etc..

I called FBI the very next day after thje FP. They said they were being cleared and sent backto the INS. Fo the past 3 months I have been trying to contact the INS but no luck. My cell is on redial mode even right now but no luck. Take for you imput though.
Re: Did that too.

My attorney requested the info and I got a letter from the INS with a checked box saying that the case was still pending. Not enough info I guess.
No Title

Don\'t worry gerda bob. I am also in the same boat as you. I am also seeing many approvals with RD and ND later than mine. Even mine has still not come. Spoke to my attorney and he says that we should wait patiently....and so I am waiting... to hear the magic words soon.
Ciba any comments on this !! Any ideas ? Do let us know.
Thank you.
Re: thanks

Thanks for the support.Just hang in there, but the thing that bugs me is that when I call each evening to hear the status I feel betrayed and extremely disappointed. May be I should just quit checking and wait in the mail,

Take care