guys 'n girls.. please refrian


Registered Users (C)
Well I should say guys only as they are the ones who typically start some of the most pitiful threads

here's something to occupy your (mostly happy and cheerful but some notorious and unclean) minds (it's a simple one)

There are four people who cross a certain bridge. Individually they can cross in 1min, 2min, 5min and 10min. They have one flashlight among them. The bridge is big enough for just two to pass at any time - so you guessed it - two pass over it and then one has to come back with the flashlight. And the two who pass over will have to travel at the speed of the slower person i.e. if 1Min and 10Min pass over, it will take 10Mins.

What is the least time it will take for all four of them to cross the bridge?
You idiot!

Don't you see this is a forum for 485 discussion? You are really nuts!

Such stupid questions, or puzzles have be got rid of recently. How dare you come up with them again?!:mad:

1 goes with 10 and comes back
is 11 minutes.

1 goes with 5 and comes back
is 6 minutes.

1 goes over 2
is 2 minutes

total is 19 minutes

17 minutes

1,2 goes..............= 2min
1 comes back.......= 1min
5,10 goes.............= 10min
2 comes back........= 2min
1,2 goes................= 2min
17 minutes
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move like a crab -- think stupid

first clue: lamborghini said
".......And the two who pass over will have to travel at the speed of the slower person i.e. if 1Min and 10Min pass over, it will take 10Mins. "

so you got stuck with that logic...
(once again) two things

1) Cole thank you for your participation.. I guess you would rather see people trade abuses and insults. Since most people keep the browser on and refresh it ever so often, it becomes easy for them (I admit I am guilty of this too) to get into a sort of a tit-for-tat in these posts.. that then degenerate into insinuations, insults and even downright violent behavior.

People have requested that this not be the case, but it is extremely difficult - human nature is human nature. it is going to happen unless you keep them distracted

2) The correct answer is 17 minutes. Congrats to those who got it right.

I will have another one next wednesday.. :)

Cheers all and stay out of trouble. I had a fender bender last firday that will cost me like a $1000, it was my fault - so drive safe and watch out for that lunatic behind you (it could be me) ;)

with cars like lamborghini and (A Ferrari or a Porsche if I am not mistaken) you got off pretty cheap :D :D :D

sorry to hear that (not the correct answer, coz I got it wrong, but the fender bender thing ;)

What was missing there: a flash light or were there more than two cars in one lane; how come there was a guy behind u when we knew that rule of the game was "only two persons side by side on the bridge and none behind or ahead". :D :D :D
to july16 and dma_va

july16: I drive a Jetta. I tried choosing the lamborghini id a long long time ago on yahoo - didn't get that but got a variation of that instead.. so when i was signing up for this board around the same time (like 1999) I felt lucky to get lamborghini here.. Growing up I had a Lamborghini Countach poster above my bed for years.. always calculated if i made 10-12 thousand rupees every month (in the Army - my dad is in it so that was a logical choice) and saved 50% of it (I had to stay single my entire life) I should be able to save enough money to buy a lamborghini by the time I was 65 - that was just hilarious!!

Never thought I would be in the US and might make it sooner. But now if I do get another car, I think it will either be the the Land Rover Discovery or the Mini Cooper - the mountain or the molehill

dma_va - I hit a guy driving an Audi (with Canadian plates). He had moved to Boston from Canada like 10 days ago and decided to do the right thing by stopping (really fast) and allowing a car to turn in front of him. What can I say, it was a busy one lane street and 8:45 a.m. Friday morning. Very glad he and his car got out o.k.

if only he had been one foot further away...
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Forgive you this time, but never again!

Thinking of your bad luck last Friday, you are free to go. But no more such garbage!:)
I went to pick out the landrover discovery for myself too. You will be very disappointed with the interior especially the dash board it looks like it is ancient... Not like one of your Mercedes and BMW's now.