Guys...I have been called back to Active Military Service


Registered Users (C)
It's true. Out of the 100,000 Inactive Reserve Soldiers (IRR), the Department of Army decided to call back 5,600 to report for active mobilization under Operation Iraqi Freedom. I received the MailGram orders last Friday (during the busiest friday in my life :D) and I felt a sense of Honor and pride that my country is needing me and calling me to active duty. Also to be part of the few that have been called back means that I have great military records. :)

My date of report is January 22, 2006. I will first go to Fort Jackson in South Carolina, where I have to be subjected to a thourough Medical examination, and if I pass, I will be there for 2 or 3 months receiving training, then destination: Iraq.

It is important to note that my case got resolved right before I receive the mobilization orders. I don't think this had to do anything with it, because the Assistant US attorney was surprized when I told her. All I can say is that God's hidden hand had something to do with it.

Now I hope I will receive my passport before I leave next Sunday. I have included my orders with my application. Also, if I can access a computer from where I am, I will definitely come back to check on everybody and answer some of your questions.

God bless you all. Keep the passion alive, and never give up. You will prevail in the end.

Hi Publicus,
I wish your story was in the news, just to let American born citizens, who think the immigrants are but nuisance and non essential to their country, know that someone like you who had to wait 3 agonizing years, not knowing what the outcome will be and living in limbo is ready to fight for their country and not to mention of course putting your life at risk!! God bless you, please stay safe and keep us informed.
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Be safe man. Shoot all insurgents as an American citizen!!! Go get em!
Can update us on your wellbeing whenever you get a chance ?
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Go get them tiger......

Keep us all updated about your whereabouts and well-being......

Good luck and be safe......
Publicus said:
It's true. Out of the 100,000 Inactive Reserve Soldiers (IRR), the Department of Army decided to call back 5,600 to report for active mobilization under Operation Iraqi Freedom. I received the MailGram orders last Friday (during the busiest friday in my life :D) and I felt a sense of Honor and pride that my country is needing me and calling me to active duty. Also to be part of the few that have been called back means that I have great military records. :)

My date of report is January 22, 2006. I will first go to Fort Jackson in South Carolina, where I have to be subjected to a thourough Medical examination, and if I pass, I will be there for 2 or 3 months receiving training, then destination: Iraq.

It is important to note that my case got resolved right before I receive the mobilization orders. I don't think this had to do anything with it, because the Assistant US attorney was surprized when I told her. All I can say is that God's hidden hand had something to do with it.

Now I hope I will receive my passport before I leave next Sunday. I have included my orders with my application. Also, if I can access a computer from where I am, I will definitely come back to check on everybody and answer some of your questions.

God bless you all. Keep the passion alive, and never give up. You will prevail in the end.

You are a true hero in my eyes, and your life is full of battles. First, you had a battle to keep your life straight and fight the stress of pursuing your citizenship.

Then another battle fighting the USCIS and their bureaucracy and their incompetency to earn your well-deserved citizenship.

And finally, the physical battle, fighting for your country's freedom, for your citizenship that you earned. What a hero!

May God Keep you Safe, God Bless You!

Hi Publicus,
Best of luck and be safe... The immigrants who get to be citizens... are no less patriotic than the ones born here... U prove that point over and over again.
Thank you all for your nice encouragements. Remember I fought hard for over three years to gain Citizenship. I am not just going to die now. :D I want to enjoy my Citizenship. And besides, I want to go to Brazil. :D
sobelle said:
Hi Publicus,
I wish your story was in the news, just to let American born citizens, who think the immigrants are but nuisance and non essential to their country, know that someone like you who had to wait 3 agonizing years, not knowing what the outcome will be and living in limbo is ready to fight for their country and not to mention of course putting your life at risk!! God bless you, please stay safe and keep us informed.

Agonizing? Is waiting for citizenship "agonizing"?

How about still waiting for GC after having lived here for 10 years and waiting for one since 5 years?
GreenCardVirus said:
Agonizing? Is waiting for citizenship "agonizing"?

How about still waiting for GC after having lived here for 10 years and waiting for one since 5 years?

Well for your information I waited 8 years for my GC and I am waiting for my citizenship since my inteview on June 2004. Some people like myself or Publicus our lives were put on hold and we were living in a limbo not knowing and there is always "what if I am denied".So when I say agonizing I don't care how many years but it still is agonizing to me, maybe not to you:mad:
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sobelle said:
Well for information I waited 8 years for my GC and I am waiting for my citizenship since my inteview on June 2004. So when I say agonizing I don't care how many years but it still is agonizing to me :mad:

I thought you were talking about someone else's agony (Publicus). Now you are in agony too? :) :)

Take it easy buddy. I do know what it means, but waiting for Citizenship on a GC is not bad after all.

I used to keep interest in politics, social issues etc, atleast until 1 year past. Now I am in a state of denial. I havent watched anything other than sports and comedy on TV. My only source of any news is yahoo. That is because I feel so alien, even after all the years. I am feeling alien in my own country too. It feels as if I dont belong anywhere.

I see people who have been here for just 6 years (in family based GC) being able to vote and be involved. It makes me sick and alienated.

Atleast on GC you dont live in constant fear. Even after 3 years after I moved to a new state, I could not change my drivers license because they need proof of legal stay and upon showing that, they will give me one for only 3-6 months. That means I would have renewed mine 4-5 times had I changed my license as soon as I moved.

( People in this state are so ignorant and paranoid that they voted for a law denying voting rights to non-citizens (or checking citizenship before putting them on voter lists, something like that). Whatever it is, they voted for a law that solves a non-existing problem. They did so even after the Governor and Senator told them that the problem does not exist )
GreenCardVirus said:
I thought you were talking about someone else's agony (Publicus). Now you are in agony too? :) :)

Take it easy buddy. I do know what it means, but waiting for Citizenship on a GC is not bad after all.

It's so funny everybody assumes I am a man!! Anyhow, believe me when I finally got my GC, I thought now comes the easy part "citizenship", I was wrong, not bad ask the one who are trying to unite with their spouses, bring their children here and not to mention the one who were denied!!
I know "agonizing is a strong word" but I can't help to feel that way and I am sure Publicus felt that way too other wise he would have not started the lawsuit!!!
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Buddy from

1. A good friend; a comrade.
2. A partner, especially one of a pair or team associated under the buddy system.
3. Friend or comrade; chum. Used as a form of familiar address, especially for a man or boy: Watch it, buddy.


I guess get the benifit of doubt :)