guys have u noticed something

mkhursh said:
That's dramatic improvement, guess you are doing your homework. If you can run with "BEEING" and "HEARTS" vucabolary flies. Leave"," and Chinese "guy," alone.

Do you think, I'd make things perfect for you with the addition of (exclamation mark)? It's evident that you expect oranges in exchange of "POTATOS".

Life is to live, "LIVE" is not too short. You are short living it by being stubborn and naive.

Hey MK, I see you're having a good time..!
I know, the weather is getting hotter, and so is the temper.

Let's just try to help each other out.
mkhursh said:
The reason behind tough asylum law is due to "TURAN" "TIMBUKT" "TAMBUKTU" and their economic migrants, paying $$$$ to agents and being smuggled to this country. Who are you calling "asshole"?

I'll keep responding to misleading garbage. Poet, you created the thread, good job. Don't say cut it out and etc. I don't struggle with my vucabulary, if you only like "youry's" comments as a response, just say it.

Anyone, can start a thread. Your thread did not resolve any issue, I doubt that the Chinese, guy will seek any advice from this forum.


Don't worry about who I called asshole. Let assholes worry about it. I repeat myself. There are few assholes among us (in this forum) who r not willing to change. I could apply word bitches also but I'm not gonna do it at this point.
ayyubov said:
Don't worry about who I called asshole. Let assholes worry about it. I repeat myself. There are few assholes among us (in this forum) who r not willing to change. I could apply word bitches also but I'm not gonna do it at this point.

You need help.
U are saying something at thesame time, thesame breath, denying it. Bloody fool !