Gurus Pls Advise


Registered Users (C)
My first set of Fps are expiring in August.
My case labor Subsititution....140/485 filed conucrrently in March 2003.
140 approved June....
ap expire....
EAD 2nd renewal april 2004 Validity starts from 6/24....
I would like to fax a letter enquiry ( since I cant use the Fax enquiry form as I am not beyond JIT ).
To whom shd I send the letter and where ???
NUmbers etc .address it to whom....??

Please read 140 approved June 2003........
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Please search the archives and look for more information on this. We have a number of threads that will help you right from format, to telephone numbers and fax forms.

FYI, fax needs to be sent to the same number, same place.
Ummm... I don't get it - why would you fax an inquiry? Is it because your FPs are expiring?
yes .....considering that the USCIS works in Mysterious ways....
i thought it was/is worth a shot.
I don't think you can do anything to trigger approval - actually there were several threads here on inquiries - do they work or not, about triggering FPs and so on.

If CSC wants to save money by not doing 2nd FP, you'll get your approval with or without a fax.
Al_aos ,

I was in the similar boat.. filed 140 and 485 using sub labor in Jan 2003. Applied for 2nd EAD in April 2004 which was approved in May 2004. My 1st FPs were expiring on June 21st and my 485 was approved on June 17th ( I guess because of expiring FPs). I did not send any fax inquiries or anything.

I think your case will be approved too. Just hang in there.