GURUS please help:Stamping

A needful guy

New Member
GURUS please help

Today, I have gone to US Embassy at New delhi and the consular officer asked my educational certificates and after checking he told me that I don\'t have the university degree in Computer Science.

So, for this reason he told me that he will send my application back to INS for re-consideration and take the Original H1b1, Consular leteer from my employer and photocopies of all my certificates and gave me one document relating to Sec 221(g).

He told me that he would send the letter to my residence for updates within a week after getting the reply from INS.

Is there is any chance of getting my passport stamped.

Please give your opinions.


A needful guy.
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hello , joseedu here. what happen. have you got visa ?
what delhi embassy is saying. pls share the information.
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hi buddy pradeep here,

We are sailing on the same boat!!!. Well I am also going through the same trauma here. when did you go to the embassy. My visa is also being denied under the same section that you have mentioned. I had gone to the New Delhi embassy on 29 the January 2001. Even I was also told that I would receive a letter within a week but it has been more than two weeks since I have received anything from them. I can provide you more information to you if you want. My email ID is Please contact me ASAP. I can give you my telephone number if you contact me by email...
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are u from delhi. i am also denied visa but they didn\'t take any documents from me. can i contact u if u r also from delhi?