Gurus, can you guide me ? (Confused after GC)


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I realised that GC changes things around you. My client wants me to join him now with a very good offer. My employer does not have any objection. He will help me to join my client but will it be ok for me to change job now ? (If INS contacts my employer in future and asks about my status, my employer will simply say that I am not working with him.-very honest about that)
If I have to join my client now, what kind of letter should I take from my employer?
OR shall I keep working as a consultant with my employer for at leaset next 6 months ?( In this case I will loose the client offer and may be after 1 month I will be laid off).
On the worst scenario what will INS do if I join my client and my employer does not give me the releive letter but asks me to resign?
I am very confused and need ideas from you GURUs. Need to take decision in 1or2 days.

DEAR AJJU, do not worry be happy, since U got GC

Dear AJJU, congrats on your GC, well U need not to worry now in changing the employer now, as per the new law of AC21 issued by INS, U can change any number of jobs U like after 180 days of filing your I 485 papers with them. In your case that is already over and U already got the GC. AFTER 5 YEARS FROM NOW, when U apply for the CITIZEN SHIP, the INS may ask U how long U have worked for the GC sponsorer after getting your GC, U ALWAYS CAN TELL THOSE IDIOTS, that U are allowed to changed the employment as per AC21 LAW.

I bet U 200% U are safe, and change your employment with out blinking an eye, and good luck to U.
Ramu bhaiya

Thanks a lot !!!
But my lawyer as well as Murthy and khanna say that AC21 is still not clear. According to everybody AC21 is useful before getting GC and iff your case is not adjudicated for 180 days after filing 485.
After GC according to these lawyers it is safe to saty with the sponsoring employer for at least 6 months.
Up till now I have not seen any GC being abandoned but I don\'t want to be the first one.
What do you say ?

In my opinion U are safe,

Ajju, how are the posibilities that your current employer can provide U a job for 6 months, is he giving any guarantee that he will keep U for 6 months or 1 year?? Since U are getting a nice job offer with your client under the present JOB MARKET, if I were U , I would join the CLIENT, but always take a SECOND OPINION.

U have one more option if U want to play safe game here, U take a job with the client but tell your client for 6 months the billing or your pay has to be thro your sponsorer using 1099 form, so technically you will be getting pay check from your sponsorer, but your client will pay your sponsorer for your hours.For this arrangement pay some thing to your sponsorer (commision on hourly basis) this way U can work for your client on mutually agreed salary, and pay some thing nominal for the paper work for doing 1099 to your sponsorer, with this U ALL 3 parties will be happy. So here your sponsorer is not loosing anything and your client also is not loosing anything.AND ASSURE YOUR CLIENT THAT U WILL JOIN THEM PERMANENTLY AFTER 6 MONTHS !! how is that !!

Good luck,
Thats great !!!

Hey Ramubhai,
Thats great !!! I was also thinking something similar but you explained it clearly.
Thanks !!! I will talk to my employer and Client.
I wish you too get your approval soon.

a philosophical excursion

I resisted the temptation to post my response to the question for some time, but gave up, so I just want to note that it is upsetting for me to see this kind of questions where people are, how to put it, cautious about feeling free because of their uncertainty about what the government can do to them, and maybe because of their mentality. it is supposed to be a free country, which I believe it is, and once you are free to change jobs you can change them. I understand that the government\'s concern is that some can abuse the system and lie about their intention to work for the sponsor, but if you did not lie and misrepresent anything, why would you worry about being caught? your intention changed over time (long time, mind you, since it takes ages to get approved), so what? see what I am saying?