GURUS/ANYONE - Here is my case, any input would be appreciative!


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Hey Guys,

I am currently awaiting my interview letter but wanted to post my full case in hopes that anyone could respond with advice.

I cam to the US at the age of 12 along with my mother who worked in the World Bank. My visa was a G4 which I had till the age of 21 when I got my GC.

I was given an automatic GC because since I was a dependent of someone working at the World Bank and by the age of 21 had completed 7 full years of education in the US (Middle, High and a mix of college) I was automatically given one.

This year after holding my GC for 4 years and 9 months I applied for citizenship with the help of a lawyer. The reason I hired a lawyer to help in my case is as follows:

1. In 2003 after having dinner at Sesto Senso located in NW DC I was stopped by the cops for possibly driving over the speed limit for which I was not given a ticket. The offcier asked me if I had any drinks to which I replied yes I did with my dinner. I had 2 glasses of wine and 2 beers but guys I was not seriously intoxicated. I was taken to the precient where I blew a .03 BAC and was informed by DC ploice of DC's Zero Tolerance law and was found to be in vilotation of that. Anyway I was released 6 hrs later and went to court and was asked to take DC's Diversion Class. When I got to the Diversion center, the head officer there first told me I shouldn't be in here but reccomened the least amount of Alocohol Education which was 12 hrs. I succeccfully completed it and all charges were dropped. My lawyer has all the papers and told me that since I didn't harm anybody and that it was a minor case that it should be ok.

Now before anyone starts flaming me, I do NOT condone DRINKING and DRIVING. In India where I am from, I see the perils of excessive drinking and driving all the time. Look I went out for dinner where I had something to drink, something everyone in the country does but now I know they have changed this law to not arrest anyone below .08 BAC like in VA dn MD.

2. I did not enlist in Selective Service simply because of lack of knowledge. SInce I was on a G$ visa when I turned 18 I did not have to enlist but now I know when I got my GC I should have. I was in college at that time and my parents kept the GC with them. Neither did my lawyer who represented my when I got the GC tell me of this requirement. Look I have no problem fighting for the US if I have to, but I simply did not know this requirement applied to me.

Anyway, I don't know if they will give me citizenship as I am quite worried but my lawyer says we will present a case that I am not a habitual drunkard and it was a 1 time issue. I also have 1 speeding ticket int he last 11 years which I paid!

So what do you think?? Anyone with a similiar expereince that could put there thoughts into this thred? Appreciate anyone who reads this and responds..I love this country so much, I can't live anywhere else but I recently got engaged and the toughts of not having my Fiance with me is giving me Ulcers. Also lastly I got engaged but no married after sending in my N-400. Should I dsiclose this at my interview?

Thanks a lot guys and gals!
Can anyone post a reply that you might feel would be educational for me??

Anyone with a DUI or non selective service that got his or her citzenship??