Guidelines expected this month end...(Cases on hold because of company name changes)

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One letter from all of us would be a good idea I think.
One suggestion is to have a table (on the back of the letter)
with each person\'s name, EAC#, ND, and signature?
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It looks like Fuji has one more fax number which is 202-616-5116 apart from 202-514-2093.

I feel sending both individual and group is good.

Guys, for your information I already faxed mine to both those numbers
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In the sample letter there was this statement :
"Having green card gives me flexibility to change jobs and contribute in the best possible way for the progress and development of the Unites States. "

DO NOT mention anything about changing jobs in your letters.
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Let\'s send individual letters. That is quick and atleast out concerns will be heard and ( hopefully ??) that should set wheels in motion.

Later we can send one common letter.

Just my $0.02 worth.
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I just sent my fax to INS headquarters/Ms. Fuji. It\'s important for everyone who is in this situation to send a fax to these people. The purpose of drawing their attention to it will be defeated if only handful of us do it and others just sit back. Please send it ASAP.
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that makes just the two of us

Hmmmm......see this is the kinda unity we have got here....thatz the reason why employers always win over us

I expected atleast five letters going by close of bussiness

With this kinda co-operation we deserve the abuse!!!
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I had already written to INS Commissioner before on this issue. I have also faxed a letter to the fax number given by IGTE.

Fact is most of us are good at only complaining in this board but are scared to take any positive action. INS will not hurt anyone for complaining on issues.

If guys are so scared of INS why complain on these boards? Please try to help yourselves.
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see that makes only four of us.......still one less of my minimum target.

This kinda attitude among us discourages me.

We are all f*****g good for "talk the talk" but nobody does "walk the walk". One may ask why don\'t I take the initiative and shit!!!...with this kinda bull?????...I ain\'t no clown.

I created a yahoogroup for those affected by "name change" to keep track of name change cases....u know how many joined?...just 8!!!! but anyway am preparing a spread sheet which will atleast help those 8!! and myself....I\'ll try to collect data from all the places regarding this name change bullshit!!.
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Come on guys. Take some action. All you have to do is write to a director in the INS. You have a problem because of the changes in immigration laws and you are just asking the INS to issue guidelines about it. That\'s not a crime. He/She won\'t hold a grudge against you.

The language/tone of the letter is polite. We are not doing anything wrong.

Go ahead and fax it.

Good luck.
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Hi Phil Spears,
   Though I am one among 8 in your yahoo group, but not in those 4 (faxed list). Reason, I can not use my office phone lines ( not allowed any external calls) and also faxes. I am going to do it in the evening after I reach home. I understand your frustrations. I leave it at that.

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Where are u guys with usernames of slimshady and gcnohope. You were the first one interested in knowing the name of INS official to write a big letter to wake them up. What happened now?? Damn it!! I should have know you before since u are no different than these sucker companies. Coward people like u make INS to work at it\'s current pace and companies who have opened legal department thrive on this.
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i am sorry igte for repsonding late, i would like to post letter to INS at the earliest. i certaily appreciate the effert you have taken, you can find me in yahoo group of i-485 waiters, i am bit busy now, please visit the yahoo group buddy.
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I appreciate you very vital effort and just cause. I am not in the same boat as you but I am ready to fax the complaint in anyway. Do you mind e-mailing the copy of the letter that you faxed to INS? my e-mail address is I also have multiple contacts who are ready to send the letters in..

Please rush in ASAP and I promise I shall jumpstart the process. I probably can flood in VSC with at least 200 letters.

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I posted a reply but I wanted to put it as a seperate post so that it is not lost in the list.

I appreciate you very vital effort and just cause. I am not in the same boat as you but I am ready to fax the complaint in anyway. Do you mind e-mailing the copy of the letter that you faxed to INS? my e-mail address is I also have multiple contacts who are ready to send the letters in..

Please rush in ASAP and I promise I shall jumpstart the process. I probably can flood in VSC with at least 200 letters.

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The format of letter which you can modify the way you want is in this discussion. See message number 17.