Guidelines expected this month end...(Cases on hold because of company name changes)


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I got a positive news from INS headquarters just now. After explaining the situation to 5 different people (about cases on hold because of company name change) over a period of 6 weeks, finally I got a call back from INS headquarter today. She told me that their department is planning that guidelines will be out to Vermont Service Center by the end of April. I hope she is right. For last one and half month I am trying to find someone at headquarters and was really frustrated at being transferred to so many people who were either on vacation or out on business meetings etc. or simply won\'t respond. Two weeks back they gave me some name that one lady could give some help regarding these guidelines. Her personal secretary called last week that she is out of the office for the whole week. Today when I called back again, they said that she is a director and may not respond to you since she is a big shot. Finally they transferred me to a lady who asked me to explain the situation again. I told her that VSC has put many cases on hold because of company name change, but many people from my company are getting approved and there is no consistency at all. I think she understood my deep frustration and told me that she will call me some time today. After 15 minutes she called me back that the department is planning to send them out in April to Vermont Service Center. She said that I wish I could help you more, but that\'s the only thing she can do right now. And suggested me to call VSC in early May and by that time they should have it. I think this give me some peace to wait for another three weeks and hope things will be allright after that.
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    Thank you very much for your effort. I hope you know how much you have helped in reducing our mental agony. Hope to see the guidelines by end of this month.

     Good luck to you and all.

   Thanks again.
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By any chance can you post the details of this Big shot, so that collectively we can wake her up and ask her to look into the gross irregularity of her shity institute.
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They didn\'t tell me in blunt language that she is a big shot and won\'t talk to me. But that\'s the message I got since they didn\'t transfer me to her and most of the time she was out of office, sometimes for a week. One time she was out to VSC for a week. When I insisted about talking to her 2-3 weeks back they said she is busy all day in meetings and didn\'t transfer me to her voicemail and forwarded me to some automated system. Next day I again asked and some lady forwarded my call to her. I left a long message and her secretary called me back after 2 days that she is out for a week and I never got any response after that. Her name is Fuji Ohrata. Today again I asked for her but was transferred to voicemail of her secretary. I didn\'t leave any message and called them again. This time they transferred to a different person and she inquired about it from the group responsible for these guidelines and told me that they are planning to send guidelines out to VSC by month end. I am hoping like everyone else that this information is correct.
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Great. That\'s a good catch IGTE. I was trying to reach them myself since last few weeks and did leave a message for a lady, after I explained the situation to some other lady (possibly a receptionist).
After that I did not receive any calls back.

I suggest that we should all write letters to this INS \'big shot\' and also cc: the same to the acting INS commissioner and the VSC director.

What do you guys think ?
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Great news! My case is also on hold because of merge. But got warning letter from my employer and meanwhile got an offer from another company. Really don\'t know what to do.
Could you please post the detail on how we can get to IQ of INS and reach this director of whoever? So we all can push them to release the regulations very soon.
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IGTE YOU a have DONE A GREAT Job....Thanks so very much.

The question am raising is not towards you.....but towards the person who called you back or told you "month end"....this the third "month end" bullshit they are spitting out. So how many more "month ends" we have to wait for?

A question to you IGTE....when you asked for the regulatios did you refer the law "S bla bla JOE BLOW"....I am sure you did....right??
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Yes I did. and I told her that my company name has changed. When she called me back she told that your case falls under merger/acquistions and even though she didn\'t mention the S-blah-blah section/law, but the impression I got was she was referring to guidelines related to it. My feeling is that they will issue all guidelines together for AC21-xyz....The number I called was 202-514-6442.
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Let\'s send letter to this \'Big Shot\'.
IGTE, do you know her name by any chance ?

Also, please post other information such as, address, e-mail address
that you might have.

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1. let us format a letter in ordinary words quoting our problems coz of the delay in regulations.
2.IGTE, Since you have been calling them its easy for u to get her mailing address or fax number.
3. We will circulate the letter thru fax and get it signed by all the affected guys and send it to this "Big shot"

This may persuade them to make it faster.

what do u guys think?
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Here is what I know...

Fuji Ohrata
800 K street NW
10th floor, Washington DC 20536
Fax# 202-514-2093
(No email)
Phone : 202-514-6442 ( Not a direct number)

The name of Fuji was told to me by couple of people at reception. I hope she is the right person and even if she is not I hope she can forward our letter to the right person.

Someone who design this letter can double check about the street address after calling their phone number. I am not sure if she meant \'K street\' or \'Kay street\' when I asked about mailing address.
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Should be K Street, \'cause I lived in that area for some time. Streets in DC are named A,B,C,D and 1,2,3,4,5...

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Sample letter.

Feel free to make changes. Suggestions are welcome.

From : Name April 9, 2001

Ms. Fuji Ohrata

Dear Madam,

Let me first introduce myself.

My name is %%. I work as % for %.I am from %name of the country..

I would like to draw your attention to one of the immigration law
passed by the US senate in Oct\'2000.

As per this law(S2045) a person can change job 6 months after
applying for I485.

It is almost 6 months since this law was passed but it seems that the
INS does not have guidelines for implmenting this law.
In particular , INS does not know if an RFE(Request for Evidence)
should be issues if the name of the company changes becuase of

The name of the company I work for changed from % to %.

My I485 application is in pending status for last % months becuase
INS does not have the guidelines for implmentation.There are many people like me whose cases are in pending status.

Every time I call INS I get the same reply "You case is on Hold".

INS was going to issue these guidelines by the end of January. But
it has postponed issuing of guidelines 2 times since then.

It is very frustrating to wait for such a long time. Having green card gives me flexibility to change jobs and contribute in the best possible way for the progress and development of the Unites States.

I request you to give this matter urgent attention and issue the
guidelines as soon as possible.

Thanking you,


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Which one is a better option...Individual letter from everyone or one letter from all of us with Name/signature at the bottom (although little difficult to do). Any suggestions??
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We do both. The purpose of sending her letter is to have her attention. The more people to sign the letter, the more they\'ll pay attention. The more letters to bother her, the more pressure they feel to send out the guidelines. They don\'t really care who\'s who. Besides it\'s their job to get the regulations done and released.