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Guide me for Education


Registered Users (C)
Thank you DV2007us,

I have been Qualified O-Levels (passed), and I studied A-Levels but i didn't succeeded the A-Levels examination (Failed) after that I joined Directroate of Distance Education of the Madurai Kamaraj University, India under Open University System (Who completed age 18 can follow the course after an entrence exam) and completed a Degree in Computer Applications (BCA- Bachelor of Computer Applications)

DV2007us sir, give some more idea regard about this matter.
Are you asking about if you qualify to apply for the DV program or have you already been selected for the DV2007? If you have been selected and your question is regarding the DS-230 form then you have the following options. Either you list all of your education and in it you will include O-levels, A-levels (state that you did not pass) and then include your Open university education. The alternative is that you list only your Open University Education.
Dear Sir,

I have been selected for DV 2007, i recivied N/L 13th June 2006. I'm Asking about DS-122 & D230 I, II

am I qualified for DV 2007, Pls. guide me

Thank you
