Srinivas123, october_rd, and other xls editors, please read---

While I absolutely appreciate your work, I ask you to double check the initial details. Just take a closer look at my details: misplaced my catogary EB1 to EB2, and misadded the EAC number... and I know I am not the only person whose information has been revised.

 I suggest October_rd be the only editor. It is would be quite confusing if too many guys edit the file. October_rd could go ahead with his initial xls file, so no mistake would be made anymore.
RD - 10/01/2001 ND - 11/20/2001 FP - 01/25/2002

Hi guys, Could you please add me to your list.

My details,

PD - 04/19/2000 - LC RIR
RD - 10/01/2001
ND - 11/20/2001
FP - 01/25/2002 INS received FP results on 01/31/2002 and processing resumed as per AVM.
EAC - 02-042-510XX
Category - EB3
State - GA
Service Center - VSC

I140 applied for AOS and not for CP

I do not know if I had to give any more details. If you need more details please let me know.

Is this a better idea?

to add our list to "greaty-k"s web site. This web site has quite a few things that we don\'t. That site sends an email once someone posts an approval. July files "Milk-list" is being batch feed in that web site. We can request too.

I have high regards for "Shrinivas123" + others. By suggesting this I don\'t want to undermine their efforts. They has done a great job.

We shall continue use this thread but suggest new users to post their info to that site and monitor the progress.


Greaty-K\'s site is great .. but

we have seen that quite a few excellent trackers start languishing once their originators get approved. I do not blame them either for their loss of interest. Greaty-k\'s RD is I think in August\'01. BTW i added my info there earlier today and it is indeed a very great site. But lets keep our thread alive too. Srinivas123 is doing a great work on it. Not only is it a tracker but also a forum for excanging views pertaining to our RD month.
C\'mon guys we can put our info at both places. It takes a minute that\'s it. My two pence
I agree with U

Lets keep this alive to exchange/track information.
Good Work srinivas123.Keep updating the list.


Hi Guys This Greaty-K. My RD August 01, BUt I promise I\'ll keep the site alive and its my love to a

It keeps remind me of the stock market......

A year before I used to go online every one hour to check my shares. Ofcourse, not any more now.

Now I am doing the same again. Checking this site(especially this thread) every now and then to see if there is any exciting news. Thinking practically it might take atleast 3 months to get there, but never know what is in store!!!!!

Great job guys for maintaining this thread.

Lets keep this Thread ALIVE. We can add our list to Greaty\'s too; But. since this is Exclusive October Club, Communication/ Followup / Discussions , will be specific to our dates.
Hope all of you guys agree?
Pleas add my info ..

Receipt Number: EAC-02-044-xxxxx
Category: EB3, RIR, India, Philly/PA
Priority Date: November 16, 2000 (11/16/00)
Receipt Date: October 03, 2001 (10/03/01)
Notice Date: November 23, 2001 (11/23/01)
Fingerprinting Date: February 02, 2002 (02/02/02)
Process Resumed: February 06, 2002 (02/06/02)
8th April...Any more additions????

Top it; keep the thread on top .... Any more october Guys out there??
Add my info too RD 10/15 ND 11/29 FP 02/11

For me, my wife, my two kids
GCP started on 12/00 (Labour and I-140 - 9 months in CA)
I am working in VT. So lawyer applied in VSC. INS is very close to
my place (30 mins drive). FYI

RD 10/15
ND 11/29
FP 02/11
AVM message Process resumed.