Time to maintain

Hi ,

     I think the file should be updated by one person to keep the
list clean as much as possible.Also Can we add Last Updated Date on the top of the file.
Please let me your ideas.

Maintaining the file

Hi All,

    I\'m really glad that we are able to maintain a list of OCT2001 filers.Many thanks to Srinivas123 who started this thread.I hope everybody will update their info periodically.
    As Srinivas123 started this thread., i think Srinivas123 should
maintain the file.By doing this., we can keep the list clean as much as possible.Is that OK for everybody including Srinivas123 ????
Also please add Last Updated date time on the top of the xls file.

Excellent Idea oct2001

I wholehearedly approve. I too realised the same thing yesterday. It is better if one person alone does the updates. Hopefully god and INS would reward that person with a quicker approval.
Also after a couple more days the list would stabilise somewhat and there would be less updates and additions.
so what say you Sriniwas123. are you ready to become the official October filer club chairperson.
Thanks for u\'r immediate response october_rd

so what say you Sriniwas123., are you ready to become the official October filer club chairperson???
Already u have our votes..........

i totally agree that srinivas123 should maintain the list

i totally agree that srinivas123 if he is willing should maintain the list. instead of ten people trying to update its better one person does that. if he isn\'t willing one of us can take up the task.

what do u say, srinivas123????

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>List Updated: We are 47 now.<<<<


Our tracker was languishing on the forth page when i checked this morning. Therefore i updated the list and would continue to do so once every day. If any one else would like to take up this responsibility, would be glad to relinquish the job. But lets keep the thread alive as it is a symbol of the GC hopes of all of us October filers.

The list is updated till ramaveda\'s details.
Add me

PD 8/99
RD 10/18
ND 12/1
FP 1/30/02

I am losing my patience over July RDs. There seem to be a ton of them.

Oh well I shouldnt complain. Everybody should win

Peace Y\'all
Patience - GC You are already in

I added your information from the other tracker that was on Service Center - Vermont site.
still welcome to this tracker.
And don\'t loose faith. We all will be winners one day soon.
I agree with U october_rd

I agree with you october_rd.I think we should update the list atleast once a day.october_rd U please update the list and lets the thread be alive.Thanks for adding last updated date time on the list.


>>>>>>>>>>>List Updated : 49 now<<<<<<<<&lt

This is the last update for today.
Lets see who is the 50th member.
Also once we have 100 posts we\'ll start a new thread so that the thread is easy to download.