
Tracker Updated and Sorted by RD


Our tracker updated with sorting by RD. Pl. fill in ur missing information.

-- GC_SAC_2000
I think many of us are really NOV. 2001 filers....

Read messages from:

gcFunWaiting "just talked to an INS officer" 3/21/02 1:40pm
Pl. add me to list...

RD - 9/07/2001
ND - 11/09/2001
FP - 02/09/2002(Process resumed message udated on 02/13/2002)
State - VA
Why the EAC # for September filler\'s started with 02

Why EAC # for September filler\'s are started with 02 while the fiscal year starts with 1st October to 31st September?

Thanks in advance