Greenland Summary Report

Good Question

I agree that there seems to be a suspiciously low number of denied LINs. I have noticed that a number of previously "Good" LIN numbers are now bad. I think those might be the ones that are denied and maybe the USCIS is removing them from the system.
i have one question too. i have been following this greenland summary report. there is a big difference between that being shown here and the rupnet data which seems to be mostly around dec and november approvals. why is there such a big disparity.

is the rupnet community so different from the total population?
I belive that on rupnet, guys are not updating their staus. For January 2001,
Filers : 35
Approvals: 13
REFs : 9
Appr. REFs : 16.

And only 8 people have updated their data in year 2003. So, I came to the conclusion that they r not updating on rupnet. There must be some activity in last 8-9 months of year 2003 on remaining cases..Don't you think so?

Rupnet Comparisons

I suspect that the Rupnet data is very skewed as follows:
1. It contains no (or very few at least) family-based applications. The USCIS data includes such applications.
2. The participation by Rupnet is incomplete- not everybody updates their stats.
3. People updating Rupnet make mistakes. The data is therefore not 100% correct.
4. The population sample in Rupnet, by definition, excludes those who are not computer-savvy, amoung other factors.

Having said this, the Rupnet data is very useful and I visit the site almost daily. I don't know if the above fully accounts for the differences, though.
Originally posted by robocop104 the rupnet community so different from the total population?

Yes, sir! Rupnet is as similar to the overall I-485 pool as Edison, New Jersey is to El Paso, Texas.
well, i am on the emp based immigration path. so does that make rupnet data more realistic for me?

how different is the 485 approval decision based on family and emplyment? is it faster in one as opposed to the other? i would tihnk that you apply for 485 only after initial approval and 485 is simply one queue for all that. so why the difference then?

Actually i think i know the answer to that one but still want confirmation. one example would be the processing of 485 for religious workers as opposed to the emp based ones. so i do realise that is it different.

so can i conclude that my processing is not reflected in the greenland summary report? that mine is essentially slower than most peoples and that there are religious workers whose processing is slower than mine....:)
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Lin02050 peak

Thanks FunkyJunky for your summary. I am one of the poor Lin02050 people. Still wondering how come so many applications received around that time. Just like the babyboom generation, now we are the applicationboom fellows.

Sit tight and enjoy, hey, at least we Lin050s have a large team!


Originally posted by Sankrityayan
Yes, sir! Rupnet is as similar to the overall I-485 pool as Edison, New Jersey is to El Paso, Texas.

Those seem quite similar actually...
Both are 6 letters (Edison, El Paso)
50% of the letters are the same in both.
Both start with an E
Not only they contain the letters "s" and "o" but they are in the same sequence as well.

Statistically speaking, they are rather similar ;)

(This just tells you that statistics can be made to say whatever you want it to say.) :D :D :D
Re: Well...

Originally posted by SirZ
Those seem quite similar actually...
Both are 6 letters (Edison, El Paso)
50% of the letters are the same in both.
Both start with an E
Not only they contain the letters "s" and "o" but they are in the same sequence as well.

Statistically speaking, they are rather similar ;)

(This just tells you that statistics can be made to say whatever you want it to say.) :D :D :D

Just to stir it a bit more, I have to say that I am glad irony is not wasted here. I guess there is hope yet for us:D
Summary Update

Thanks for the info Pork.

I have updated LIN040. There were over 10000 LIN's received by the old INS on this day, so it took me a long time to build a list of valid 485 LIN's. I think I am still missing one or two numbers, but it should be pretty representative.

I will now start building the LIN030 list. After that, I will be able to provide updates on a more regular basis.
Update to LIN030

This is wierd. LIN030 shows only 2% approvals. It seems that the USCIS simply skipped this day in processing and carried on with later days.

I can't explain this one.
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Wave Theory

OK, here it is. The net sum of my ignorance - the Wave Theory. I can feel my sanity slipping...

Let me know your thoughts.
well, i have to say that the looking at the number it is a wave. but in the real world each of the waves probably represents 6 or 7 queues within the 485 process. one queue to receieve and sent RFE if something is missing. from there it goes to the second queue where it waits for the fingerprint notice. which goes to the CIA/FBI for verification and comes back into the queue for adjudication.

the fact that it is a wave only tells us that there is no one set processing methodology to be fair and instead they just take files in a certain time range and assign it to the officers.

so the waves you are seeing are very real. :)

the variables here are the number of people managing the queue, amount of time for each file and how many people are in each queue at a point of time.

i dont think we can get such statistics from anyone other than the USCIS itself. its a pity that the only people who can run such a report wont do it and simply let people sit and wait it out.
I have posted the updates from Boots'nCamo. I am also most of the way through building the LIN020 list.
Two 5-21-02 Cases Processed in The Past Week

LIN0219151363 RFE sent 10/2/03 RFE sent
LIN0219151842 Approved 9/29/03 Approved/Completed

Here are the complete stats for that RD as of today:

Approved/Completed Count 16
Misc Count 37
Received Count 1060
Resumed/FP recvd Count 4
RFE sent Count 1
Transferred Count 14
Grand Count 1132

Please note that all the previous approvals/processing is prior to 7-03.

I have updated a few LINs and included updates from others on the board. Thanks to wandergirlis and Chao Chao.

Would you please post your "Master LIN list" Excel sheet here or in a new thread so that people can download and use it to scan any new or old LIN#.

The idea is to centralize the scanning effort and make it more efficient.

I started a thread about this "Master LIN list" idea and only to find out that you already started it way earlier.

Way to go!

Except for the few people that have provided me some feedback for the Summary Report, I have had to build all the lists on my own. The rest of the board have been takers and not givers of LIN lists.

As far as my records go, the following people have contributed:
Pork Chop
Please forgive me if I have left anyone out.

My concern in making the master list available is that it will lead to an overload of the NSC query system as a result of the same list being run by multiple people. If that is that case, they will make the restrictions more stringent and then we are all screwed.

I initially set up the Summary Report as a repository for all lists, effectively trying to do what you are trying to do.

I would be willing to send LIN lists to individual volunteers if they would run them once a week and then provide me with an update. I would then put these in the Summary Report which provides the required stats.