greencard approved

Your Letter to the Senator

deputydawg congrats man.
Can you please tell me how you contacted the senator in michigan? was it via e.mail, letter or phone.
Also is there a way you can e.mail me a sample letter to send to the senator. I'm not very good at writing letter to high officials so if you can help here is my e.mail
Thank you:) :D
colohio - thanks

ghee - i feel you brother. here's the list. no guarantee if this will increase but i personally don't think so as per what the INS guy seemed to hint at during my special registration. I think these are all the predominantly muslim populated countries in the world!!

Citizens or nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria.

CALL-IN GROUP 2 (extended 1/16/03): CITIZENS OR NATIONALS OF Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen

CALL-IN GROUP 3 (extended 2/19/03): CITIZENS OR NATIONALS OF Pakistan or Saudi Arabia

CALL-IN GROUP 4 (extended 2/19/03): CITIZENS OR NATIONALS OF Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, or Kuwait
Le Hlaiki

this is the sample letter i used, i mailed it to the 4 senators mentioned earlier. It's a format i made up and I got the addresses from a site called Again, I am not claiming that it happened because of any of these people. All i am saying is i got approved in less than ten days after i received feedback from senator Debbie Stabenow's office.

April 29, 2003

The Honorable Carl Levin
The U.S. Senate
459 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

Your Honor,

I have lived in the state of Michigan for the past 5 years and I have been processing my green card application through my employer during this time. The process seems to have slowed to a trickle and nobody in the new INS can provide any information on why my case is being delayed. After almost 3 years of waiting, I am at the end of my patience.

I was hoping if your office could ask on behalf of me and get a better rersponse. My case number is LIN-02. I have been in this country legally and I have filed all the proper documentation. I just need to know why the application is taking so long when other applications in different service centers are being approved.
