Green land script - Pork/ Ghee/Others


Registered Users (C)
In another thread, Ghee had mentioed that Pork has made the greenland thread very user friendly, and one has to just plug in the date and run the macro.
Could you please post the same, and plan on tracking (my RD)
Search for "greenland report". You should be able to find the Pork Chop's post and the spreadsheet.
here's the link...

The Greenland Report

i have just add the script results for LIN 02-075 (ND jan 2, 2002) and LIN 02-119 (ND feb 25, 2002) as of today, 7/28/2003.
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Thanks Pork and others. I recd my RFE today in mail. Details have been posted in a separate thread.