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Green card

Raj 20

Registered Users (C)
Hi Friends,
I am now in usa, Till the date 17 days passed from the date of my entry but i have received my green card.As Per my knowledge i have filled my forms which is give by immigration authority and address is correcet. but till the date i could not receive green card and social security,so it is troubling me by passing the time doing no thing.Can you give any contact no. or address to know the my status where i can find my solution or how long time takes to receive the green card who come under the dv visa . please suggest me .

Raj 20
Hi Friends,
I am now in usa, Till the date 17 days passed from the date of my entry but i have received my green card.As Per my knowledge i have filled my forms which is give by immigration authority and address is correcet. but till the date i could not receive green card and social security,so it is troubling me by passing the time doing no thing.Can you give any contact no. or address to know the my status where i can find my solution or how long time takes to receive the green card who come under the dv visa . please suggest me .

Raj 20

U have to wait at least one month, first u will get welcome notice and some details, u can find a recepit number in that (Example scr1234567890), then u can check your green card status by visiting the below mentioned web site.enter your reciept no in the "Check Case Status" box
Hi Friends,
I am now in usa, Till the date 17 days passed from the date of my entry but i have received my green card.As Per my knowledge i have filled my forms which is give by immigration authority and address is correcet. but till the date i could not receive green card and social security,so it is troubling me by passing the time doing no thing.Can you give any contact no. or address to know the my status where i can find my solution or how long time takes to receive the green card who come under the dv visa . please suggest me .

Raj 20

Mr Raj,

It takes approx. 20 days to get Welcome Letter and GC after 3 weeks. You can go to nearer Social Security Office with your passport and apply for SSN. That's what I did.