Green card with printing mistake


New Member
i got my green card about 5 or 6 month back, Now i have realize there is a minor mistake in the name, on green card.

the mistake is actuall name is "Ketankumar" and is printed on the green card "Ketan kumar" space between the ketan and kumar

it was ok till, i applied for SSN and it came with proper name no mistake,
i have applied for Licence(MO) and it came perfect,
the visa also has a proper name without mistake,
than every thing was smooth.

And than i have changed the state, and applied for the ID, Now problem came in the consideration. to the authority i have to prove them there is a printing mistake and they agree on that it is printing mistake, and they issued a ID with proper name.

but i need to update my card, so can you please guide me how can i do it. because i gone through the website, but not cleare on certain things.

there is online application form and there is no charge to process for such procedure. but it say's like i have to submit my greencard.

if i submit my greencard how fast they process. and till than what proof i keep with me.

can you please explain the step by step procedure, and the time frame for such case.

thanking you.
Years ago, I had to have the birthdate corrected on my green card...I had to turn it in at a field office, they stamped my passport, I was told it can take up to a year to get a new green card but I got mine in about 3 months
Hi Guys,

Sorry to cut in like this, but I am having similar problem and would like to see if any of you can give some input.

I am from Taiwan and my first name contains two words and connect with a "-", such as "ABCDE-FGHIJ". My old SS Card I received about ten years ago has the correct first name on it, but all my US visa listed my first name as "ABCDE FGHIJ" since US government does not recognize "-". "ABCDE FGHIJ" is ok by me since they cannot put "-". To save everyone's hassle, I put "ABCDE FGHIJ" (two words separate with a space) as my first name when I applied my GC (I am currently waiting for my Physical Green Crad).

I just received my new SS Card yesterday and found that they misspelled my first name to "ABCDE" only (maybe SS Office considered "FGHIJ" as my middle name and did not list it).

My concern is that I can go to a local SS Office to correct my new SS Card, but is there anyway to prevent this to happen on my Green Card without delay the time for me to receive my Physical Green Card or receive the card with wrong name later on and send it back to be corrected?
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What does your passport say? Does it have the space or not?

i got my green card about 5 or 6 month back, Now i have realize there is a minor mistake in the name, on green card.

the mistake is actuall name is "Ketankumar" and is printed on the green card "Ketan kumar" space between the ketan and kumar

it was ok till, i applied for SSN and it came with proper name no mistake,
i have applied for Licence(MO) and it came perfect,
the visa also has a proper name without mistake,
than every thing was smooth.

And than i have changed the state, and applied for the ID, Now problem came in the consideration. to the authority i have to prove them there is a printing mistake and they agree on that it is printing mistake, and they issued a ID with proper name.

but i need to update my card, so can you please guide me how can i do it. because i gone through the website, but not cleare on certain things.

there is online application form and there is no charge to process for such procedure. but it say's like i have to submit my greencard.

if i submit my greencard how fast they process. and till than what proof i keep with me.

can you please explain the step by step procedure, and the time frame for such case.

thanking you.
Wrong DOB correction in GC

Hi Privateer

What if my DOB was incorrect in all my records and now we are trying to correct by obtaining new bither certificate?

Sinnce I applied I485 with wrong DOB and trying to correct it now..will it have any problem in getting the green card?

appriciate your respone.

Years ago, I had to have the birthdate corrected on my green card...I had to turn it in at a field office, they stamped my passport, I was told it can take up to a year to get a new green card but I got mine in about 3 months