Green card with a mispelled middlename


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:eek: Finally .. My case was approved, and today I received my green card but my middle name is mispelled -Its missing one letter. All other is correct.. I'm having a hard time parting with this hard laboured card. Will this pose a problem in future? :(
Actually, the misspelled middle name is proof that the card is genuine. Most cards have some sort of f@#*( up on them. Either first name as 'FNU' or the country of orgin is switched. 'permanent resident since' is another classic to be off by years.

If it is indeed only a misspelling in the middle name, I wouldn't sweat it. This is your new identity document, just resign to the fact that your middle name henceforth is written without that letter.
On top of the the card, where there is - name xxxx x sssss , my name is spelled okay, However, at the bottom why they have a large number
c1usa07xxxxxxLin0409xxxx << (date of birth starting withe year), status when you enter us other number, country of birth and below << lastname<< firstname< middlename<<<<<<
the name is mispelled here.. So, I do not know what to make of it.. Will call uscis tomorrow.
Interview at Local Office

Hello everyone,
With the help of Congressman we got interview letters from Washington D.C. office but my wife is scheduled at 2:00 PM on June 6, 2006 while myself(principal applicant) and our daughter(23 yrs.) and son (13 yrs.) are scheduled for June 7, 2006 with another District Adjudication Officer. Interview time for our daughter is scheduled at 9:45 AM, my son at 10:15 AM and myself at 10:45 AM all on June 7, 2006. We wrote letters to both District Adjudication Officers requesting to club all of us together for interview on one day and time as per their convenience as we all were granted Asylum together by IJ in Feb. 2001 and applied our I-485 on same day in May 2002. Please guide us whether writing of letters to District Adjudication Officers would help (which I don't think so) or we should contact Congressman again for his intervention to club us together for interview. Any suggestion from your end is highly apprecited.
I would file I-90 and indicate that I'm requesting a replacement card due to the CIS administrative error. I've been dealing with this problem for years: my last name was misspelled on 5 out of 8 documents issued in my name - it is only 9 letters long. :mad: What I did last time is I made a copy of the document with my name misspelled, underlined it and put "INCORRECT" next to it. Then I put my name in HUGE letters just below and indicated that this is the CORRECT way to spell it. It worked! :rolleyes:
Understood, humans are not perfect. However, if I had been performing with the accuracy level of 37.5%, which is truly pathetic, I would have been kicked out of my job a very long time ago and for a good reason. Does the fact that my name has not been misspelled on credit, bank cards and other financial documents even once tell you something?
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peguin12 said:
On top of the the card, where there is - name xxxx x sssss , my name is spelled okay, However, at the bottom why they have a large number
c1usa07xxxxxxLin0409xxxx << (date of birth starting withe year), status when you enter us other number, country of birth and below << lastname<< firstname< middlename<<<<<<
the name is mispelled here.. So, I do not know what to make of it.. Will call uscis tomorrow.

After seeing this post, I re-checked my GC (the bottom part with the "<<<<"s) and in the bottom part they put the initial letter of my middle name just like it is at the top, not the full name. I made a google search and found this image in which his middle name is also put on with just its initial letter. Interesting that on yours they spelled it out (though misspelled it) at the bottom portion.

But yeah if I were you, I would send it back for correction. You won't lose anything by doing that. Correcting such info is always a plus thing.
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First of all, congratulations on your approval.

Sorry to hear about the mispelled middle name on your gc. If I were you, I will ask for a replacement card. Make sure you copy everything before you send them out.

My gc was damaged when I received it in the mail so I returned my gc and completed form I-90 to the NSC. Now, there weeks have passed, I have not received anything back from the NSC. No receipt letter or number and no replacement gc yet. Becuase I received nothing back from the NSC, I can't really track my I-90 application status.

Just be prepared to take awhile to get your replacement card.

peguin12 said:
:eek: Finally .. My case was approved, and today I received my green card but my middle name is mispelled -Its missing one letter. All other is correct.. I'm having a hard time parting with this hard laboured card. Will this pose a problem in future? :(
Thank you guys for the input--

Am hoarding this card. Believe it, i'm having a hardtime mailing it back. It's tuff to let go after waiting 18yrs for this card. .Is it possible to fix this issue at the local office instead? :( Any idea?
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here is the format << lastname<< firstname< middlename<<<<<<
Real name format xxxxx nyaumthi yyyyy
written on my greencard as xxxxx nyauthi yyyyy ( m is missing)
My firstname was sort of misspelled too. For whatever a reason they put a extra space inbetween-It's like Billyjoe becomes Billy joe. My first reaction was to file I-90. hmm,,,I guess I was just so tired of dealing with ins, I sat on it and then decided to live with it.....I never had any problem with SSA, DMV, or my employer. I even travelled with the card and passed POEs several times, nobody every noticed it. And sometimes, even myself become oblivious about this. :)

hey , congratulations to all the newly approvals and good luck to those who are still waiting.

misspelled middle on GC

I am in the same situation as you. i had my middle name misspelled at the bottom of the GC where they had all the info in one line. they used my full middle name. for all my communication with the USCIS all these years, they used my middle name first letter including my previous TD. My new TD also has the misspelled full middle name. I sent back both my GC and travel doc last week with a cover letter explaining the situation. i have already got notice letter for the I-90 replacement. on the web site it says " Your I90 APPLICATION TO REPLACE ALIEN REGISTRATION CARD was received on May 10, 2006. Your request for a waiver of the filing fee has been granted. We mailed you a receipt with information about processing. It is taking between 120 and 150 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete. " I am hoping it will take less than the time specified on the web.

Hope this helps.
Like one-of-u, I decided to live with the error. I waited so long for this card - For now am enjoying the card - Am not going to file the I-90. Will fix the mess when I apply for citizenship in 3yrs-8months
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I know barely anyone who got the card with the information being entirely correct. The most frequent error is switching first and middle names or omitting them alltogether (first name: FNU). Others have 'Vanuatu' as their country of birth or 'permanent resident since' dates in the early 19th century. These cards are generated by an intoxicated squirrel that runs over a keyboard, despite their errors they are perfectly valid. If you want to entrust your valuable plastic card back to the goverment, sure file the I90. If you just want to move on with your life, do just that.
Thank you for making me laugh so hard! The intoxicated squirrel metaphor is hysterically funny! :D
peguin12 said:
Like one-of-u, I decided to live with the error. I waited so long for this card - For now am enjoying the card - Am not going to file the I-90. Will fix the mess when I apply for citizenship in 3-8months
Peguin12, how are you able to apply for citizenship in 3-8 months? I thought you just got your GC!! Just curious!
I was granted asylum in 2011 and my middle name on the i-94 has one misspelled letter. (BENEDRUS instead of BENIDRUS). Even the biometrics before the asylum says BENIDRUS.

A month later I applied for my Refugee Travel Document and the notification and finger print papers were correct (BENIDRUS).

A month later I got my RTD and everything was right. First name, middle name (BENIDRUS), last name, date of birth.

Do you think I will have problems with my Green Card application? I already sent my application. On the Green Card application they ask for your last name and first only.