Green Card Holder 2 Dui's Want To Sponsor Overseas Bride. Pl Help!!


New Member
My cousin is a green card holder with 2 Dui's. Recently got married overseas to a girl. She has a visitors visa to visit usa and coming soon to usa. I need help with a few questions
  1. Should my cousin register a marriage overseas? They had a religious ceremony already.
  2. Should he register marriage after she comes to usa?
  3. Can he sponsor her being a green card holder with 2 dui"s
  4. Will two dui's affect his citizenship application? He is qualified to apply right away.
Any advise would be highly appreciated from people with similar situation. Years ago this forum helped me to migrate to USA and the forum help was priceless!!
A1: For spousal visa, they need to be legally married, whether in the US or overseas
A2: He can, but then the girl risks being accused of pre-conceived intention and/or misrepresentation
A3: Yes he can.
A4: Possibly

Best advice is, follow consular processing route since they already have intention to marry and she is still outside the US
1. Marriage already took place.. it should be registered in the locality\jurisdiction where it took place.
2. No (they are already married)
3. If she enters on a tourist visa but had intended to stay from the beginning, that's conceivably visa fraud.

For her to visit on a 'visitors visa', return back end of her allowed stay.
For him to become USC and go the consular route with a IR\CR-1.