Green Card, Grass Possession .. Help Needed PLEASE!!!


New Member
My brother got arrested for the possession of “an ounce or less” of marijuana supply in Camden County (GA) about 2 years ago.

Now his Green Card application is taking forever to move forward, the official stance is they are performing “background checks” for the past year or so. He and his wife have been to interviews and every time he or his wife calls they are told the file has been transferred from desk to another.

The court in Camden County fined him and he has paid the fine, but it still looks like there is a record (police or otherwise) which seems to be holding back his Green Card application (He has no other involvement with any other arm of the law in the US)

My brother has been advised to get an attorney who can help him look into the matter in Camden to expunge the record, if any exists, since he has paid the fines and was not convicted.

He has retained an attorney in MD, and what he (attorney) is saying is that my brother should get a letter from the court/police/Sheriff in Camden stating that he was in possession of “9grams or less” of grass although he has one from the court saying he was arrested for the possession of “an ounce or less”.

Please advice on the next step(s) of action or share any similar experience(s) and what steps were taken to resolve the matter.

Thanks very much.
It sounds to me quite likely that your brother is stuck in namecheck, and it probably has nothing to do with the drug possession charges.

If he wants to find out what is really going on, he needs to go to an Infopass appointment and speak to a real live person who can help him. The people at the other end of the 800 customer service line are pretty loose when it comes to accuracy of the information and advice that they dispense. Mostly its a waste of time calling them!
It sounds like it has nothing to do with drug posession charges. Name check can take a long time. Make an appointment to see a person!