Green Card, but not permanent resident anymore


Registered Users (C)
Hello Community,

Your postings shows how much you value your Green Card. It reminds me to the years when I desperately wanted that piece of card, too.

I have this Green Card for several years, now. After immigrating to the US, I have lived and worked there.

In summer of 2002, I returned back to my home country. Since that time I haven't been in the US anymore. I have the citizenship of a country which gives me the luxuary not to regard the United States of America as the only place on earth where you can live in wealth. You guys might have another view, because most of you immigrated from India, a country which doesn't have the high standard that my country has. Therefore I understand your situation.

I still possess my Green Card, that means, I didn't report to US authorities that I have left the US and that since I have left America, I am living in my home country.

(1.) Did I commit a crime, now?

These damn Americans are crazy like shit, they are the most paranoid people on earth, really. That's why I have left USA. Because they have such a low education, they are full of prejudices and since 9/11 they regard every foreigner, every tourist, evry businessman as a threat to their "God given country", thus, as terrorist. Just recently I have read an article at a very renowned magazine that a businessman from my country entered the US and got arrested for one day with no reason. He also got punished by not allowing him to enter the US for some years. US authorities didn't give a reason, neither to this businessman nor to the press. The businessman told his story to the press and asked the press to help him. As a businessman he needs to travel to the US from time to time, the same as he did in all the years.

I am going to found my own company in these weeks. Since I have left the US, I did not work. I was living from my savings. As I did not work, I neither filed tax reports in USA or in my home country.

Probably from next year on I have to visit USA because of business matters.

(2.) Do I have to tell US authorities in advance that I am not a resident of the US since 2002?

(3.) Or will it be sufficient to tell US authorities at the port of entrance, thus, at the US airport when I land in America, that I haven't lived in America since 2002?

(4.) Will they allow me to enter the US? Remember that I did not enter the US until now since I have abandoned my residency unofficially.

Because of my citizenship I can fly to the US without a visa. people from my country who visits the US just gets a stamp on their passport at the airport when they arrive in America.

(5.) Do I have to carry my Green Card and my Social Security Card with me when I enter the US? I plan to stay in the US as a tourist for just a few weeks.

(6.) Will they confiscate my Green Card and my Social Security Card then?

(7.) What happens if I do not carry my Green Card and my Social Security Card with me? If they ask me for these two cards, I like to tell them that I have destroyed them and thrown them into garbage. (I like to keep my Green Card and my Social Security Card instead of giving them away. The reason is that I like to have them as something to remember. I really like the these plastic cards.)

(8.) I also have a US Driver's License. Do US authorities ask me to give them my American Driver's License? I don't want to give it away because it is very helpful in case I rent a car in the US. (9.) Would you recommend that I should hide my Driver's License in front of the authorities?

In a few years my US Driver's License expires. (10.) If I do not have a valid Green Card, is it still possible to renew my US Driver's License in America?

In advance I thank you all for your replies.

Let me give you a wise advice, guys: I assume most of you are immigrants from India. My programmers are from India, too. Since I have left the US, I have dealt with India, its economy, the huge opportunity in India extensively. I am taking into consideration to establish an IT company and a Customer Service Center there, too. In case you are programmers or have other smart minds, why don't you return to India? With your knowledge of India and with the spirit you have received in the US, you can found an own company in India and become rich quickly. That means, you can earn enough money to retire in India at the age of 45 (if you plan to stay in India, otherwise your living costs would be higher). India rocks, guys, so don't value America too much. America's future is negative, India's and China's, however, extremely positive - for many many years to come. I know Indians love their culture, their food. If you continue to stay in America, your daughters will marry black guys from a gang, your kids will receive a bad education. I have seen that in London. Holy shit, what a waste of potential. In India, however, your kids get a good education and they will grow up with good manners. In America you would be regarded as terrorists or at least as foreigners, no matter whether you have the US citizenship or not. Hope, I could help you with this advice.

Best regards,

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Abr2004 said:
Hello Community,

Let me give you a wise advice, guys: I assume most of you are immigrants from India. My programmers are from India, too. Since I have left the US, I have dealt with India, its economy, the huge opportunity in India extensively. I am taking into consideration to establish an IT company and a Customer Service Center there, too. In case you are programmers or have other smart minds, why don't you return to India? With your knowledge of India and with the spirit you have received in the US, you can found an own company in India and become rich quickly. That means, you can earn enough money to retire in India at the age of 45 (if you plan to stay in India, otherwise your living costs would be higher). India rocks, guys, so don't value America too much. America's future is negative, India's and China's, however, extremely positive - for many many years to come. I know Indians love their culture, their food. If you continue to stay in America, your daughters will marry black guys from a gang, your kids will receive a bad education. I have seen that in London. Holy shit, what a waste of potential. In India, however, your kids get a good education and they will grow up with good manners. In America you would be regarded as terrorists or at least as foreigners, no matter whether you have the US citizenship or not. Hope, I could help you with this advice.

Best regards,


It is an interesting perspective from you regarding India. It is funny that you mention the age to retire in India. Thats exactly the age I have in mind to retire and I have already started the move back to India by the end of this year. As you mentioned, the opportunities are a lot back in India and I have already made my business plans based on that.
Thanks for your advice and as JoeF mentioned, not to believe whatever you read in the newspaper, but I have done my own research and there is plenty to do in India. Good Luck to others in a similar situation !!!
Not the paradies

Hello community and thank you for all your replies!

JoeF, I didn't write and I also did not mean that I want to visit the US by claiming I still would be a permanent resident of the United States. When I wrote that I may take my Green Card with me, it was meant that in case US authorities only let me in as a tourist into the USA if I hand my Green Card over to them, then I should have my Green Card with me.

Why do you write about taking advantage of the visa waiver program for people of my country and the right to go to a US court in regards to my Green Card? I have no interest in going to a US court to fight for my Green Card, because I don't want to be a US resident anymore. Please explain me why you have connected these two things together.

Guys, I LOVED America, really. Beautiful nature, some beautiful girls (even though the majority with silicon), some very nice people, nice architectures etc. BUT since 9/11 America has changed, not because of the terrorists, but because America WANTED to be changed. In American communities there was always this fear to be killed. Before 9/11 they were afraid to be killed by someone from a gang in bad neighborhoods. After 9/11 these stupid Americans were afraid that such a unique attack could happen again. After 9/11 their paranoia is not under control anymore and now everyone is putting lies into the world, one neighbor claims false things on someone who he does not like and thereby brings him in trouble with FBi, FBI is suffering from paranoia, too, so they want to be on the save side and prefer to arrest everyone who they regard as a suspect, etc. More and more absurd new laws are passed and many more stupid laws will be passed in the near-term future, too. No, my dear friends from India and other places of this world currently living in the US and being so much concered with your Green Card and US citizenship: America is not the Land of the Free anymore.

If you get the US citizenship, you do no good to yourself in case you are a businessman, regard the world as one market and want to become rich at your condidtions. When one day you have the US citizenship and you want to found your company in a tax haven as Accenture Ltd. did, you will be kept as jurisdictional prisoners of America. The U.S. governement assumes that they own everyone and everything on the planet and that their jurisdiction includes the known universe. You would need to pay taxes to the US for the following ten years even if you do not live in the US anymore.

So watch out if you are a business man and if you can imagine that one day you return to your home country which may have transformed into a tax haven. You then would be forced to pay taxes for two nations!

So, JoeF, do you mean I have to visit the US embassy before I visit the US with my passport and as a tourist? So you mean even though there is a visa waiver program for people of my country who visits America, I should better apply for a tourist visa because I committed the crime to immigrate into the US and to leave the US later on because I did not want to live there anymore? Do you understand me? This tone is because if you say yes, then American laws are so stupid and lack of logic.

Best regards,

Abr2004 said:
Hello Community,

In summer of 2002, I returned back to my home country. Since that time I haven't been in the US anymore. I have the citizenship of a country which gives me the luxuary not to regard the United States of America as the only place on earth where you can live in wealth. You guys might have another view, because most of you immigrated from India, a country which doesn't have the high standard that my country has. Therefore I understand your situation.


(1.) Did I commit a crime, now?


These damn Americans are crazy like shit, they are the most paranoid people on earth, really. That's why I have left USA. Because they have such a low education, they are full of prejudices and since 9/11 they regard every foreigner, every tourist, evry businessman as a threat to their "God given country", thus, as terrorist. Just recently I have read an article at a very renowned magazine that a businessman from my country entered the US and got arrested for one day with no reason. He also got punished by not allowing him to enter the US for some years. US authorities didn't give a reason, neither to this businessman nor to the press. The businessman told his story to the press and asked the press to help him. As a businessman he needs to travel to the US from time to time, the same as he did in all the years.

I am going to found my own company in these weeks. Since I have left the US, I did not work. I was living from my savings. As I did not work, I neither filed tax reports in USA or in my home country.


Probably from next year on I have to visit USA because of business matters.


(2.) Do I have to tell US authorities in advance that I am not a resident of the US since 2002?


(3.) Or will it be sufficient to tell US authorities at the port of entrance, thus, at the US airport when I land in America, that I haven't lived in America since 2002?


(4.) Will they allow me to enter the US? Remember that I did not enter the US until now since I have abandoned my residency unofficially.

Because of my citizenship I can fly to the US without a visa. people from my country who visits the US just gets a stamp on their passport at the airport when they arrive in America.

(5.) Do I have to carry my Green Card and my Social Security Card with me when I enter the US? I plan to stay in the US as a tourist for just a few weeks.

(6.) Will they confiscate my Green Card and my Social Security Card then?


(7.) What happens if I do not carry my Green Card and my Social Security Card with me? If they ask me for these two cards, I like to tell them that I have destroyed them and thrown them into garbage. (I like to keep my Green Card and my Social Security Card instead of giving them away. The reason is that I like to have them as something to remember. I really like the these plastic cards.)


(8.) I also have a US Driver's License. Do US authorities ask me to give them my American Driver's License? I don't want to give it away because it is very helpful in case I rent a car in the US. (9.) Would you recommend that I should hide my Driver's License in front of the authorities?

In a few years my US Driver's License expires. (10.) If I do not have a valid Green Card, is it still possible to renew my US Driver's License in America?

In advance I thank you all for your replies.

Let me give you a wise advice, guys: I assume most of you are immigrants from India. My programmers are from India, too. Since I have left the US, I have dealt with India, its economy, the huge opportunity in India extensively. I am taking into consideration to establish an IT company and a Customer Service Center there, too. In case you are programmers or have other smart minds, why don't you return to India? With your knowledge of India and with the spirit you have received in the US, you can found an own company in India and become rich quickly. That means, you can earn enough money to retire in India at the age of 45 (if you plan to stay in India, otherwise your living costs would be higher). India rocks, guys, so don't value America too much. America's future is negative, India's and China's, however, extremely positive - for many many years to come. I know Indians love their culture, their food. If you continue to stay in America, your daughters will marry black guys from a gang, your kids will receive a bad education. I have seen that in London. Holy shit, what a waste of potential. In India, however, your kids get a good education and they will grow up with good manners. In America you would be regarded as terrorists or at least as foreigners, no matter whether you have the US citizenship or not. Hope, I could help you with this advice.

Best regards,


I have not read your posting completely. But I having read first few paragraphs, and before I read further, I have a quick questions,

1. We as Indians came here for opportunity but the 'opportunity' has now gone to India so we may go back, some already have and some are on the way.
Why did you come to US if your coutry had all the opportunitites?

2. If now that you left USA and do not have good opinion of US after what you have experienced, why do you want to come to USA again? What makes you to worry about your US GC and US Tax if you do not care? Does that mean US still has some 'opportunity' left?
You are not being nice to me

Punigwalla and JoeF,

You are not being nice to me.

I have been nice to all of you here in this community. You two guys, however, have nothing else to do than to accusate and blame me for false fairy tales originating from your paranoia.

Okay, everybody makes mistakes. I allow you two guys to appologize. Then I will forgive you.

No, JoeF, I am not reading one newspaper, but several magazines from all over the world. So YOU better stop putting words into my mouth.

And no, JoeF, I haven't hanged around the wrong places. In many US states American girls came to me and wanted to sleep with me. However, because I have such a good manner, I refused. Many of them had silicons in their breast and in their lips. If you can read and if you take some statistics, then you will notice that in no other country of the world so many women put silicons in their body than in the US. And no, that has nothing to do with the size of the country, because the amount is in %.

JoeF, why do you write that because I have had a Green Card that USA could not allow me to visit USA as a tourist? I didn't commit a crime.


@ Avallon:

The reason I immigrated into the US was because of the beautiful nature and nice people and because of the huge size of that country.
Thank you for being the one who didn't continue the way that JoeF and Puningwalla has used by attacking me personally and trying to misrepresent me with their typical Wannabe-American way.
Yes, I am clever. Though I do not like American politicians, I still want to do business with American people because they have money and America is big. I would be stupid respectivally I would have the level of education that Punigwalla has if I refused making business with such a big country.
You, dear Avallon, should maintain your rich culture instead of becoming a BigMac-American. Eat healthy Indian food, educate your kids in the typical Indian way and not in the stupid American way (which is using f-curses all the time and so on). India is rich in culture, has a huge potential. India will be the next superpower of the world because it has so many young people with big motivations. America's youth just thinks of sex and drugs. That's why America is forced to import brain from abroad (like from india). I am not an Indian, but my programmers are Indian. They treat me so good, I have never ever imagined that before. I know, I am their boss, but nevertheless they could behave like Americans, namely rude, but they don't. And because they are like this, I am treating them better than any other person of this world. This, in return, makes me sympathetic to them which has the effect that they work harder. Consequently I am intending to found a subsidiary in India.

People like JoeF are jeallous, because they are not Indian and because I have praised Indians here in my postings. By attacking me with false arguments and by blaming me for things I didn't do (visiting flight schools, being terrorist), they are using the exact mean that their Georgie Porgie uses: Bringing false arguments, trying to scare other people so that they do not back me. But I know, many of you (if not all of you) back me even though they do not write it here.

The opportunity is huge in India, guys. So don't waste your time by selling your Indian heritage for BigMacs. You can do much better in India. And NO, I am not telling you this because I would have America for my own. This is so ridiculous, because it reverses completely my whole posting. It was me who left America and gave up his permanent residency. So don't be ridiculous, JoeF and Punigwalla, and don't insult me with your bad accusations.

By the way, in all parts of this world where I have been, people LOVED me at first glance. In America, however, girls loved me because they wanted to have sex with me. This shows how perverted American society has become.


Oh JoeF, what kind of guy are you...

I have just asked a simple question, namely how someone like me who once used to be a permanent resident of the US should behave when visiting America as a tourist if he is no longer a permanent resident. I then gave a friendly advice that there is a huge opportunity in India.

YOU, however, have attacked me because you didn't like that someone could NOT like America anymore. I am pretty sure that you are a supporter of Georgie Porgie and its poeple.

Now I am tired to defend myself. If you continue attacking me by claiming I would be the cause for hate just because I have written that I don't like America, then you reveal your face as a Republican. Georgie Porgie once said: "Either you are with us or you are against us!" I am NOT against America, Mister SuperBrain JoeF. I just don't like the majority of the people in America. Can't you understand this??? I really LOVED America, and in fact, I have plenty of American friends there btw, they have the same opinion concerning the stupidity of Americans. They are living in America for a long time. I think, they are the thrid generation.) All I was saying is that there is more opoortunity abroad than in America.

Okay, if you, JoeF, don't want to apologize, then I cannot force you to do that. But I can ask you as polite as I am not to attack me personally. I am sure you too would feel bad if someone attacks you. Just accept my opinion as it is.

And now, tell me please what I should do before I visit America as a tourist. So you mean I should better go to the US embassy and tell them that I am not living in the US since 2002 and that I would like to visit America as a tourist and I would stay there for just a few weeks? They would give me a tourist visa then? Why do you think there could be a problem or that they could deny allowing me to visit America because I used to be a permanent resident of the United States?

I thank you in advance if you answer me this question. (You see I am being polite to you!)

Best regards,


P.S.: JoeF, did you notice that you never greet with a "Hi" or with "Best regards"?

I am here to help you. But to answer your question it would be good if you could answer my questions I posted earlier.

It is ok for people to say anything but I would refrain myself from making inflamaotry remarks and avoid altercations.
This post has degenerated into insults. No benefit to any of us. Let’s agree to let this one die out.

hey, this is the most fun thread in these forums...

joeF, fair is fair. even though you "accusated" this gentleman, he has magnanimously offered to forgive you. therefore you should be tripping over yourself to seek said forgiveness, considering that he has "such a good manner" as to refuse to oblige all the american girls in many US states with "silicons in their breast and in their lips" who wanted to sleep with him...
Abr2004 said:
And no, JoeF, I haven't hanged around the wrong places. In many US states American girls came to me and wanted to sleep with me. However, because I have such a good manner, I refused. .

Is this guy for real!!!!!!??????

can someone pls define Irony?

this guy had a green card, that one thing we all desperately want!!!!!!!!
and he let it go to waste/.........imagine that!!!!!!!!
HEy I know what happened, by saying his " manners " he means he's Gay
that's why he refused to sleep with any girl
JoeF should leave!

JoeF, you are a lost person. You are misusing my wonderful posting for your false claims. Perhaps you are just an unemployed person living from welfare in California who spends all his time here on this board claiming to be a full-time software engineer :rolleyes: Everybody with a little bit of logical sense knows that you aren't :p

I am not going to use this board anymore for you have been here on this board earlier than me and obviously you need this virtual board because in the real world nobody wants to talk to you.


Dear Avalon,

I already responded to your two question in all details. Please read them. Of course, there is still plenty of opportunities in America, but you can use these opportunities much better from India. The customers go to India, so when you are in India, that mean the customers come to you! For example, if you want to found an online auction company, you don't need to be in America if you want to cover the American market. You can build and maintain the site in India and you can employ Indian workforce. THIS is the opportunity of a lifetime. India will become a leader in this world. India is even better than China.

Best regards to you (no regards to JoeF),


If you are returning US after abondoning GC then you may be denied entry in US if travelling on GC. You could go to nearest US Embassy/Consulate and suurender your GC and ask for Business Visa. But before that, you could ask retruning resident visa (RRV). For RRV, you would have to justify your stay abroad. You would need to prove that it was beyond your control.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

This is America. Here people value freedom and democracy. That also means, we have right to express whether it is good or bad. Freedom of expression is protected by constitution. It also means that we respect individual and individual identity, individual opinion; good or bad. Welcome to this world, called America.

For those staying in America need to understand these American values. Some already know it and some will.
Hey Abr,

I have nothing againsts you. You impressed me by keeping your head cool all the time. I don't care what's thing between you and Americans that is for you to sort out. But I appreciate the goodwill that you have shown towards Indians. I truly believe there is no other multi-cultural and multi-national, multi-ethnic place other than India on the face of the earth. Our cities , buses, trians are bombed everyday including Parliament, thousands of people have been killed by terrorists yet we have not shown the paranoia in a way Americans are showing just because of one attack in hundereds of year. There are people from all religions, all walks of life live there, not only live there but live their like king, like it belongs to them.
The calm and peace that Indians display comes from the quality of patience. However, of late I think this quality is actually the sense of hopelessness, apathy cloaked in the guise of patience and tolerance. Because of this apathy, the politicos, police, goons, bureau babus of the country have gathered the gall to torture the citizens in their own ways. B4 all Indians start getting hyper (irony!) over my posting, I am also an Indian and am not against Indians.
I do understand your frustration, patience, and all other good virtues. However, what is the point of spewing the anger and hatred against Americans here. You are becoming the very thing that you writing against. Instead become the positive change that you want in others. You are not god to make people change and think differently. Remember that becoming aggressive against others will not make ur point heard. Instead learn from Gandhi who made his point heard in a very patient and silent manner.
Everybody please stop the -ve posts.
@ Avalon, Punigwalla, RegistrationID

Hello friends of this community,

Thank you, Avalon, for this good advice. I will definitely contact US embassy before I visit USA as a tourist. Btw, I am not intending to go to America for business purposes. As a tourist, I just want to visit some nice places, because America has beatiful places.

Punigwalla, you are very right. India has a population of 1.1 billion people, most of them are living in poverty, but you don't hear them complaining all the time in the way other nations do. Instead, they are trying to do their best and, most of all, they believe in their Gods. Having a religion is important, for religion keeps you staying peaceful and living in harmony with other people and with nature. The reason why I generalized my point of view towards Americans was because I had become sick of all the paranoia in America. Just think of the stupid, ridiculous light changes into orange, yellow, red etc. that the Department of Homeland Security does. There is no such thing in other countries of the world even though there are countries being much more in danger than the so-called Land of the Free which is no more free. In fact, the current American government uses many means which the Nazi regime used during Hitler-time. That's why I don't like America in general anymore. However, it doesn't mean that I regard all Americans like that. I like it very much that there are lots of activists fighting for their personal freedom in America, like the supporters of Michael Moore and Fahrenheit9/11.

RegistrationID, good point. My biggest spiritual leaders are Harry Belafonte, Muhammad Ali and Nelson Mandela. Of course I do know Mahatma Ghandi. Somehow I had lost him from my memory. I will listen to what you have said and I will adopt Mahatma's philosophy in my daily life.

Thank you, Punnigwalla, for what you have written in your last posting. By the way, I am not gay. :) What I had written about American women is the truth. While I did feel good that there are women adoring me, too much is too much, especially if it was without any reason, for example, waiting for the metro at the metro station. When people do not believe in God, it is more like that they start talking to other men to have sex with them, even though they might be married. That's why I called America's society as perverted. They do not only sue everybody because of nothing, just in order to become rich quickly, but they consume sex. That's not the same in India. Just take a look at their movies produced in Bolliwood. They center around love, but without all this hardcore shit that is so typical in America.

Best regards,
