Green card and Pure Science


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I have a PhD in physics and my research is basically pure science. I've been reading the posts and the stickies on this board and I have an overall feeling that getting a greencard through an NIW or EB1 for my condition is very hard (unless you have close to a Nobel prize).

I was wondering if there are any other people close to my condition that could share their experiences with me, any other physics people or mathematicians for instance?

I'm living in Atlant, Ga so if you guys know any good lawyers around here could you please let me know?
pa2006 said:
I have a PhD in physics and my research is basically pure science. I've been reading the posts and the stickies on this board and I have an overall feeling that getting a greencard through an NIW or EB1 for my condition is very hard (unless you have close to a Nobel prize).

I was wondering if there are any other people close to my condition that could share their experiences with me, any other physics people or mathematicians for instance?

I'm living in Atlant, Ga so if you guys know any good lawyers around here could you please let me know?

Nope sir! you don't have to be close to Nobel prize but need to have proof of national interest and/or outstanding researcher/ablilities for NIW/Eb1 please post your cerdentials in similar fashion many have to get opinions about ur case...
pa2006 said:
I have a PhD in physics and my research is basically pure science. I've been reading the posts and the stickies on this board and I have an overall feeling that getting a greencard through an NIW or EB1 for my condition is very hard (unless you have close to a Nobel prize).

I was wondering if there are any other people close to my condition that could share their experiences with me, any other physics people or mathematicians for instance?

I'm living in Atlant, Ga so if you guys know any good lawyers around here could you please let me know?

as eb1doc suggested, it is better to post your crdentials. some of our members will share their experiences. also you can get the info of good lawyers too.
If that is so, why would a nobel prize winner would like to get a green card?
Anyways! Basic science is the mother of all applied science, it is the raw material for other avenues of science, so just send an application things will be fine. Technically speaking, it would be very difficult to prove the importance of your science reseach and the immediate benifits to mankind, but it is not impossible. For example if you are talking about black holes and how studying them would be usefull for the human kind? it looks like a long shot, but if the connections are in the right place - probably you might nail it. It reminds me of a film, I think she was judi foster, listening to outer space sounds, ... I can't remember the name ......So dont worry just keep your mind open and apply. Do not hesitate to post your credentials, if you want to, we are just like you and no better then you, in this forum we tend not to judge people rather, express our openions.
good luck
Rama :)
Thanks everyone!

Well I don't have a long list of credentials. I have four referred publications. One of which is in a second best journal in my field (PRL Physical Review Letters) which we recieved very good reviews from the referees.

I am currently a post doc for a very well known researcher in my field and the current experiments I'm working on are related to quantum computers.

I am currently working on referring a paper for PRL and expecting more in the future.

I have a couple of awards from my home department but nothing on the national scope so I don't know if that counts or not.

That's all I can think about. Again thanks for the encouraging replies!
Does the silence mean I'm really under qualified? I can take it if you guys have a negative opinion :), I still would like to know what you think.
NIW - not a scientist

What about the chances to obtain NIW if you are not in science, but in business. Anyone know what are the chances if you are lawyer or CPA? Does it matter if it's done at NSC or TSC?
pa2006 said:
Thanks everyone!

Well I don't have a long list of credentials. I have four referred publications. One of which is in a second best journal in my field (PRL Physical Review Letters) which we recieved very good reviews from the referees.

I am currently a post doc for a very well known researcher in my field and the current experiments I'm working on are related to quantum computers.

I am currently working on referring a paper for PRL and expecting more in the future.

I have a couple of awards from my home department but nothing on the national scope so I don't know if that counts or not.

That's all I can think about. Again thanks for the encouraging replies

Does the silence mean I'm really under qualified? I can take it if you guys have a negative opinion , I still would like to know what you think.!

Hi PA2006,
Sorry it took a while to comment on your posting. I understand that you have decent number of publications. How many citations they have received?
You can see it yourself from the impact facors of the journal in which your articles are published and the number of citations as well as the impact factors of the journals in which the articles citing yours have appeared.

Can you make a big deal out of the awards you won in your home department by citing the imporatance.

It is good to have refereeing experience in PRL. Keep a record of all the correspondence with the editor.

I would say, you would stand a good chance if you can get your employer file a EB-1 OR. I am not very positive about EB1 EA based on the information you have posted. I am sending you a PM. Check it.
Hi PA2006,
As I can see, based on your post. You have a decent enough stuff. I am a big fan of cover letter, so I would say, how you package the application matters a lot. I would say, list out all the achivements on a paper, based on year and then you can see for your self. I have some questions for you.
1) How many years of research experience do you have?
2) In physics, how often do one get publications, or rather rate of publication - generally speaking - not your case?
3) How is your work usefull? Mostly is it more towards proof-of-concept or lil bit towards applied?
4) What does these awards say, in terms of your achivement?
5) If you have reviewed articles for this journal, they should think that you are good for them, did they communicate with you about the review - like a request letter?
One more thing, not necessary that you have to get your GC in EB1 only,
even other avenues are available to you, and GC is no diffrent in other Cat.
So evaluate your self and see which best fits your need.
good luck
Thanks guys for your input! If anyone around here knows a good lawyer in Atlanta please let me know.
Thanks Rama,

>1) How many years of research experience do you have?
I have 6 years of research experience.

>2) In physics, how often do one get publications, or rather rate of >publication - generally speaking - not your case?

Well, this very much depends on what field you are working. In the specific subject that I am working on in fact I have a very good record of publications.

>3) How is your work usefull? Mostly is it more towards proof-of-concept or >lil bit towards applied?

It is mostly towards proof of principles. However, currently, I am working on a subject that is strongly supported by the Goverment agencies which could have potential applications in quantum computers.

>4) What does these awards say, in terms of your achivement?

Very general discriptions about my outstanding abilities in conducting research ...

>5) If you have reviewed articles for this journal, they should think that you >are good for them, did they communicate with you about the review - like a >request letter?

This is an ongoing process. I have been recomended as a referee by some one else.

I presume that you are not including your PhD days in years of experience.
6 years is good enough. I think you should go for the EB1-EA or EB1-OSR. Based on what you said about your pubs and potential of the research and Govt interest.It may cost, you money but I would prefer to go to a lawyer. Specially one who can understand EB1-EA cat. Most of them do the filing and stuff like that, but only few are good to see the application in detail.
I will pen down my understanding of these two cat.
EB1-EA: This requires extensive paper work, this is supposed to be the best of the best cat and of high prefrence, so you need to provide most if not all of the criteria of selection. But again it is the game of packaging, how you spin the info to your advantage. If you are doing the paper work, as most of them do, lawyers only look through the letters and suggest some imp, phrases to be added or deleted, I would suggest take time, carefully device the plan, and then execute. It is better to be late with a proper application than with an application which is prepared quick and improper. If you have friends who have filed one before, go through the application from word to word, at the end you should be able to find the points that the immigration guys missed.
EB1-OSR: This is next in line, but good enough for GC, any ways GC is GC.
It says that you should be in a permanent postion to get this, again saying permanent is at debate, but most of the research guys qualifies for this, Your University does the I140 for you and you have to the rest of the process, most of the universities have this policy, it might be diff in your univ check this out. Even this requires good enough paper work, but is more strigh forward. This is also relatively easy to get.
So probably it is the same point again, EA or OSR, I prefer go for the OSR.
good luck